[Assessment of potential blood substitute solutions with oxygen-carrying properties and their possible uses].

R Zander
Author Information


Beside the necessary volume effect (isoosmotic and isooncotic solution) and the physiological bicarbonate concentration (prevention of dilution acidosis) a possible blood substitute with O2 carrier characteristics should enable an optimal O2 transport: Viscosity as low as possible and shear rate independent (Newtonian behavior), O2 concentration at the given O2 partial pressure at least 6 ml/dl, and mean capillary O2 partial pressure as high as possible. For the judgement of such a blood substitute, the so-called O2 supply index is recommended, i.e., O2 concentration times mean capillary O2 partial pressure divided by viscosity.

MeSH Term

Acid-Base Equilibrium
Biological Transport
Blood Substitutes
Blood Viscosity
Drug Evaluation, Preclinical
Oxygen Consumption
Partial Pressure


Blood Substitutes

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0O2possibleconcentrationbloodsubstitutepartialpressuremeancapillaryBesidenecessaryvolumeeffectisoosmoticisooncoticsolutionphysiologicalbicarbonatepreventiondilutionacidosiscarriercharacteristicsenableoptimaltransport:ViscositylowshearrateindependentNewtonianbehaviorgivenleast6ml/dlhighjudgementso-calledsupplyindexrecommendedietimesdividedviscosity[Assessmentpotentialsolutionsoxygen-carryingpropertiesuses]

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