Taxonomic dissection of the genus Micrococcus: Kocuria gen. nov., Nesterenkonia gen. nov., Kytococcus gen. nov., Dermacoccus gen. nov., and Micrococcus Cohn 1872 gen. emend.

E Stackebrandt, C Koch, O Gvozdiak, P Schumann
Author Information
  1. E Stackebrandt: DSM-German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures GmbH, Braunschweig, Germany.


The results of a phylogenetic and chemotaxonomic analysis of the genus Micrococcus indicated that it is significantly heterogeneous. Except for Micrococcus lylae, no species groups phylogenetically with the type species of the genus, Micrococcus luteus. The other members of the genus form three separate phylogenetic lines which on the basis of chemotaxonomic properties can be assigned to four genera. These genera are the genus Kocuria gen. nov. for Micrococcus roseus, Micrococcus varians, and Micrococcus kristinae, described as Kocuria rosea comb. nov., Kocuria varians comb. nov., and Kocuria kristinae comb. nov., respectively; the genus Nesterenkonia gen. nov. for Micrococcus halobius, described as Nesterenkonia halobia comb. nov.; the genus Nesterenkonia gen. nov. for Micrococcus halobius, described as Nesterenkonia halobia comb. nov.; the genus Dermacoccus gen. nov. for Micrococcus nishinomiyaensis, described as Dermacoccus nishinomiyaensis comb. nov.; and the genus Kytocossus gen. nov. for Micrococcus sedentarius, described as Kytococcus sedentarius comb. nov. M. luteus and M. lylae, which are closely related phylogenetically but differ in some chemotaxonomic properties, are the only species that remain in the genus Micrococcus Cohn 1872. An emended description of the genus Micrococcus is given [corrected].

Associated Data

GENBANK | X87754; X87755; X87756; X87757; X87758

MeSH Term

Base Sequence
DNA, Ribosomal
Fatty Acids
Molecular Sequence Data
RNA, Ribosomal, 16S
Vitamin K


DNA, Ribosomal
Fatty Acids
RNA, Ribosomal, 16S
Vitamin K

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0novMicrococcusgenusgencombKocuriadescribedNesterenkoniachemotaxonomicspeciesDermacoccusphylogeneticlylaephylogeneticallyluteuspropertiesgeneravarianskristinaehalobiushalobianishinomiyaensissedentariusKytococcusMCohn1872resultsanalysisindicatedsignificantlyheterogeneousExceptgroupstypemembersformthreeseparatelinesbasiscanassignedfourroseusrosearespectivelyKytocossuscloselyrelateddifferremainemendeddescriptiongiven[corrected]TaxonomicdissectionMicrococcus:emend

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