Complications of rectus abdominis myocutaneous flaps in breast surgery.

S Shrotria, D J Webster, R E Mansel, L E Hughes
Author Information
  1. S Shrotria: Department of Surgery, University Hospital of Wales, Cardiff, U.K.


One-hundred-and-twenty-two rectus abdominis myocutaneous flaps used for reconstruction, post mastectomy (106) and after salvage surgery (16), were reviewed. The minimum period of follow up was 24 months. Simple vertical flaps were raised in 88 patients; in addition seven Drevers, four trans-umbilical, 19 lower transverse and four combined (vertical and transverse flaps) were raised. Early complications (within 2 weeks of surgery) were seen in 30% (37/122) patients. Late complications occurred in 5% of patients (6/122) and 8% had both early and late complications. Flap necrosis was seen in 25% (21/122) of patients. This comprised complete flap loss in two patients. Partial skin and fat necrosis was observed in 14 patients and partial skin loss only in 15. In the group with simple vertical flaps the incidence of partial flap necrosis was 12.5%. Late complications included incisional hernia in 5% of patients. Reoperation for complications were required in 18% of patients. We conclude that while minor morbidity is common with rectus flaps, major complications are few. The more important considerations relate to cigarette smoking and overuse of the peripheral segment of the transverse rectus abdominis flap. While the transverse flaps have now largely replaced other breast flaps, in our practice vertical and higher transverse flaps were useful alternatives. Lessons learned during the development of these flaps have led to greatly improved results in the latter part of the series and it is regarded as a versatile and useful flap in this situation.

MeSH Term

Abdominal Muscles
Breast Neoplasms
Follow-Up Studies
Mastectomy, Radical
Surgical Flaps
Surgical Wound Infection

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0flapspatientscomplicationstransverserectusverticalflapabdominissurgery5%necrosismyocutaneousraisedfourseenLatelossskinpartialbreastusefulOne-hundred-and-twenty-twousedreconstructionpostmastectomy106salvage16reviewedminimumperiodfollow24monthsSimple88additionsevenDreverstrans-umbilical19lowercombinedEarlywithin2weeks30%37/122occurred6/1228%earlylateFlap25%21/122comprisedcompletetwoPartialfatobserved1415groupsimpleincidence12includedincisionalherniaReoperationrequired18%concludeminormorbiditycommonmajorimportantconsiderationsrelatecigarettesmokingoveruseperipheralsegmentnowlargelyreplacedpracticehigheralternativesLessonslearneddevelopmentledgreatlyimprovedresultslatterpartseriesregardedversatilesituationComplications

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