[Effectiveness of virus-specific proteins in immunogenesis during experimental Marburg fever].

V V Donchenko, V N Lebedev, V A Markin, I V Firsova
Author Information


The protective properties of early virus-specific proteins (EVSP) of Marburg virus have been studied. Immunoglobulins to EVSP in combination with immunoglobulins to UV-inactivated Marburg virus prevented lethal infection in Marburg virus infected guinea pigs. More than 80% of guinea pigs immunized by mixture of EVSP and UV-inactivated Marburg virus survived after challenge with 25 LD50 of Marburg virus. The explanation of this phenomenon and its further utilization are discussed.

MeSH Term

Antibodies, Viral
Guinea Pigs
Immediate-Early Proteins
Marburg Virus Disease


Antibodies, Viral
Immediate-Early Proteins

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0MarburgvirusEVSPvirus-specificproteinsUV-inactivatedguineapigsprotectivepropertiesearlystudiedImmunoglobulinscombinationimmunoglobulinspreventedlethalinfectioninfected80%immunizedmixturesurvivedchallenge25LD50explanationphenomenonutilizationdiscussed[Effectivenessimmunogenesisexperimentalfever]

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