The relationship between regional blood flow and contractile function in normal, ischemic, and reperfused myocardium.

R Schulz, G Heusch
Author Information
  1. R Schulz: Abteilung für Pathophysiologie Zentrum für Innere Medizin Universitätsklinikum Essen, Germany.


During normoperfusion, both myocardial blood flow and contractile function are heterogeneously distributed throughout the left ventricle, in that midwall segment shortening is higher at the apex than at the base of the left ventricle, and greater in the anterior than in the posterior wall. Also, transmural heterogeneity of myocardial deformation exists with greater segment shortening and wall thickening occurring in inner than in outer myocardial layers. A transmural heterogeneity of myocardial blood flow-with greater inner as compared to outer wall perfusion-exists which is not simply related to temporal fluctuations since the heterogeneous flow pattern is stable over at least a few minutes. While an increase in myocardial contractile function will lead to a metabolically mediated increase in myocardial blood flow, an increase in regional coronary perfusion within or above the autoregulatory range does not increase regional myocardial contractile function. During hypoperfusion, the reduction in subendocardial blood flow is more pronounced than that in subepicardial blood flow, and contractile function in the inner myocardial layers ceases more rapidly than in the outer myocardial layers. The reduced regional myocardial contractile function is closely matched to the reduced regional myocardial blood flow; however, such a coupling between reduced flow and function is lost when ischemia is prolonged for several hours in that function for a given flow is further reduced. During reperfusion, regional myocardial contractile function remains depressed for a prolonged period of time, depending on the severity, duration, and location of the preceding ischemic episode, while regional myocardial blood flow is restored to almost normal. Recovery of contractile function in the outer myocardial layers is faster than in the inner myocardial layers.

MeSH Term

Coronary Circulation
Myocardial Contraction
Myocardial Ischemia
Myocardial Reperfusion

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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0myocardialflowfunctionbloodcontractileregionallayersinnerouterincreasereducedgreaterwallleftventriclesegmentshorteningtransmuralheterogeneityprolongedischemicnormalnormoperfusionheterogeneouslydistributedthroughoutmidwallhigherapexbaseanteriorposteriorAlsodeformationexiststhickeningoccurringflow-withcomparedperfusion-existssimplyrelatedtemporalfluctuationssinceheterogeneouspatternstableleastminuteswillleadmetabolicallymediatedcoronaryperfusionwithinautoregulatoryrangehypoperfusionreductionsubendocardialpronouncedsubepicardialceasesrapidlycloselymatchedhowevercouplinglostischemiaseveralhoursgivenreperfusionremainsdepressedperiodtimedependingseveritydurationlocationprecedingepisoderestoredalmostRecoveryfasterrelationshipreperfusedmyocardium

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