Erythropoiesis: Short Report: Translation of Analysis Results between Serum Ferritin Assays, Ferritin RIA AmershamTM and Abbott AxSYMTM Ferritin.

NILS Milman, KELD-ERIK Byg, BIRGIT Juul-Jørgensen, MICHAEL Weis Bentzon
Author Information
  1. NILS Milman: Department of Medicine, Nae stved Hospital, Nae stved.


The serum ferritin assays, Ferritin RIA Amersham(TM) and Abbott AxSYM(TM) Ferritin were compared in order to translate values from one assay to the other. Serum ferritin was analysed with both assays in 102 samples. Logarithmic transformation of the results was performed in order to stabilize the variance. The relationship between the untransformed values was most exactly expressed by a proportionality: AxSYM Ferritin = 0.873 * RIA Ferritin. Due to this proportionality, the numerical difference between the assays increases with the ferritin concentration, although the percentage difference between the assays remains constant.

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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0FerritinassaysferritinRIATMAbbottAxSYMordervaluesSerumdifferenceserumAmershamcomparedtranslateoneassayanalysed102samplesLogarithmictransformationresultsperformedstabilizevariancerelationshipuntransformedexactlyexpressedproportionality:=0873*DueproportionalitynumericalincreasesconcentrationalthoughpercentageremainsconstantErythropoiesis:ShortReport:TranslationAnalysisResultsAssaysAmershamTMAxSYMTM

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