VANQUIS, a system for the interactive semantic content analysis and spatio-temporal query by content of videos.

J Machtynger, D M Shotton
Author Information
  1. J Machtynger: Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience, University College London, UK.


Using the video metadata descriptors and data model defined in the accompanying paper (Shotton, D. M. et al. (2002) A metadata classification schema for semantic content analysis of videos. J. Microsc. 205, 33-42), we discuss how analysis of the content of scientific videos, and subsequent query by content of the resulting semantic metadata, can be enhanced by the use of an object-relational database. We illustrate this by describing VANQUIS, a Web-based prototype video analysis and query interface system for the interactive spatio-temporal analysis and subsequent query by content of videos. Using VANQUIS to generate standard SQL (structured query language) statements that address complex data types stored in an object-relational database, relationships between characters and events contained within and between videos can be identified, and the appropriate video segments containing these characters and events can be retrieved for viewing. We give examples of analysis and query implementation by using VANQUIS to analyse a biological microscopy video, and discuss the wider potential of this methodology for the analysis and query by content of videos containing more general subject matter.

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0contentanalysisqueryvideosvideoVANQUISmetadatasemanticcanUsingdatadiscusssubsequentobject-relationaldatabasesysteminteractivespatio-temporalcharacterseventscontainingdescriptorsmodeldefinedaccompanyingpaperShottonDMetal2002classificationschemaJMicrosc20533-42scientificresultingenhanceduseillustratedescribingWeb-basedprototypeinterfacegeneratestandardSQLstructuredlanguagestatementsaddresscomplextypesstoredrelationshipscontainedwithinidentifiedappropriatesegmentsretrievedviewinggiveexamplesimplementationusinganalysebiologicalmicroscopywiderpotentialmethodologygeneralsubjectmatter

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