"Mr. Health" programme on sex education for the adolescents.

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30 years ago, late Premier Zhou Enlai pointed out: "Adolescents must be informed about sex knowledge." But unfortunately, for many years, authorities were too timid to popularize sex education among adolescents. According to a survey, only 37.6% of sex education was provided through formal ways. Another survey of 2071 sex offenders showed that 89.3% of them were teenagers. Besides, the cases of early romance increased dramatically in recent years. According to a survey in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Chengdu, half of the high school students have had love affairs. Many of the adolescents have a hazy understanding of sex. Lacking contraceptive knowledge and measures, girls are likely to get pregnant, which make them feel so uneasy that some even committed suicide. Facing the above situation, "Mr. Health" Program on Sex Education for the Adolescents is underway. The program will comprise various activities. A column of "Mailbox of Mr. Health" is to be developed in the Science and Technology of Chinese Youth, a journal with national influence. Specialists will introduce the systematic knowledge of and proper attitudes toward sex in that column. Special educational radio programs are to be produced in the China Central Broadcasting Station to popularize the "Mr. Health" Program on Sex Education for the Adolescents. A hotline of counseling on sex knowledge is to be set by the Service Center of the Adolescents under the Central Committee of the Communist Youth League. And a large-scale exhibition of the "Mr. Health" Program on Popularizing Sex Education will be held throughout the country.


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Ambulatory Care Facilities
Developing Countries
Asia, Eastern
Health Education
Health Planning
Mass Media
Organization and Administration
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Sex Education

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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0sexEducationHealth"knowledge"MrProgramSexAdolescentsyearseducationadolescentssurveywillYouthpopularizeAccordingcolumnChinaCentralFactorsAsiaMediaActivitiesPopulation30agolatePremierZhouEnlaipointedout:"Adolescentsmustinformed"unfortunatelymanyauthoritiestimidamong376%providedformalwaysAnother2071offendersshowed893%teenagersBesidescasesearlyromanceincreaseddramaticallyrecentBeijingShanghaiGuangzhouChengduhalfhighschoolstudentsloveaffairsManyhazyunderstandingLackingcontraceptivemeasuresgirlslikelygetpregnantmakefeeluneasyevencommittedsuicideFacingsituationunderwayprogramcomprisevariousactivities"MailboxMrdevelopedScienceTechnologyChinesejournalnationalinfluenceSpecialistsintroducesystematicproperattitudestowardSpecialeducationalradioprogramsproducedBroadcastingStationhotlinecounselingsetServiceCenterCommitteeCommunistLeaguelarge-scaleexhibitionPopularizingheldthroughoutcountryprogrammeAgeBroadcastClinicCommunicationCounselingDemographicDevelopingCountriesEasternHealthMassOrganizationAdministrationCharacteristicsProgramsRadio

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