The effect of acute microgravity on mechanically-induced membrane damage and membrane-membrane fusion events.

M S Clarke, C R Vanderburg, D L Feeback
Author Information
  1. M S Clarke: Division of Space Life Sciences, Universities Space Research Association, Houston, TX, USA.


Although it is unclear how a living cell senses gravitational forces there is no doubt that perturbation of the gravitational environment results in profound alterations in cellular function. In the present study, we have focused our attention on how acute microgravity exposure during parabolic flight affects the skeletal muscle cell plasma membrane (i.e. sarcolemma), with specific reference to a mechanically-reactive signaling mechanism known as mechanically-induced membrane disruption or "wounding". Both membrane rupture and membrane resealing events mediated by membrane-membrane fusion characterize this response. We here present experimental evidence that acute microgravity exposure can inhibit membrane-membrane fusion events essential for the resealing of sarcolemmal wounds in individual human myoblasts. Additional evidence to support this contention comes from experimental studies that demonstrate acute microgravity exposure also inhibits secretagogue-stimulated intracellular vesicle fusion with the plasma membrane in HL-60 cells. Based on our own observations and those of other investigators in a variety of ground-based models of membrane wounding and membrane-membrane fusion, we suggest that the disruption in the membrane resealing process observed during acute microgravity is consistent with a microgravity-induced decrease in membrane order.


MeSH Term

Cell Line
Cell Membrane
Cell Survival
HL-60 Cells
Membrane Fusion
Myoblasts, Skeletal
Space Flight
Stress, Mechanical

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0membraneacutemicrogravityfusionmembrane-membraneexposureresealingeventscellgravitationalpresentplasmamechanically-induceddisruptionexperimentalevidenceAlthoughunclearlivingsensesforcesdoubtperturbationenvironmentresultsprofoundalterationscellularfunctionstudyfocusedattentionparabolicflightaffectsskeletalmuscleiesarcolemmaspecificreferencemechanically-reactivesignalingmechanismknown"wounding"rupturemediatedcharacterizeresponsecaninhibitessentialsarcolemmalwoundsindividualhumanmyoblastsAdditionalsupportcontentioncomesstudiesdemonstratealsoinhibitssecretagogue-stimulatedintracellularvesicleHL-60cellsBasedobservationsinvestigatorsvarietyground-basedmodelswoundingsuggestprocessobservedconsistentmicrogravity-induceddecreaseordereffectdamageNASADisciplineCellBiologyNon-NASACenter

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