[Clinical characteristics of the tympanic membrane retraction pocket].

Snezena Jesić, Vladimir Nesić, Vladimir Djordjević
Author Information
  1. Snezena Jesić: Institute of Otorhinolaryngology and Maxillofacial Surgery, Clinical Centre of Serbia, Pasterova 2, 11000 Beograd.


Development of the eardrum retraction pocket, as pathologic finding, depends on Eustachian tube dysfunction, onset of the middle ear infection and site of development of retraction on the eardrum. The study is aimed at: 1. Determining the incidence of eardrum retraction pocket and cholesteatoma within it, as well as at the degree of eardrum retraction; 2. Determining of association between eardrum retraction pocket and changes of the eardrum mucosa and pars tensa of the tympanic membrane; 3. Determining of onset and intensity of the bone destruction in eardrum retraction pocket; 4. Examining of Eustachian tube function based on time of mucocilliary transport according to the type of the eardrum retraction pocket. The study is based on the retrospective analysis of the results obtained from the patients treated at the Institute of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology and Maxillofacial Surgery, Clinical Centre of Serbia in Belgrade for the diagnosis of the chronic suppurative otitis who underwent otosurgical procedures during the six-year period, from 1996-2001. In our series of 540 patients subjected to otosurgical treatment, the incidence of the retraction pocket of the eardrum was 11.23%. Onset of more severe degree of eardrum retraction was most frequent in the attic. Cholesteatoma was detected in 82.2% of patients of the group with the attic-retraction pocket of the eardrum, as well as in 25% of patients of the group of tensa-sinus retraction pocket of the eardrum. Atrophic changes of the tympanic membrane pars tensa were detected in almost all tensa-sinus retraction pockets of the eardrum. Approximately one half of the attic-retraction pockets of the eardrum were accompanied by eardrum atrophy. Bone destruction of the auditory ossicles was limited to the long process of incus and superior structures of stapes. Time of the mucocilliary transport was significantly longer (p < 0.01) in attic-retraction pocket of the eardrum than in tensa-sinus retraction pocket of the eardrum, indicating significance of tube in development of attic-retraction pocket of the tympanic membrane. Reversible changes of the middle ear mucosa were evidenced in three quarters of the tensa-sinus retraction pockets of the eardrum indicating that inflammation is the major factor influencing onset of tensa-sinus retraction pocket of the eardrum.

MeSH Term

Cholesteatoma, Middle Ear
Otitis Media, Suppurative
Tympanic Membrane

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0eardrumretractionpockettensa-sinustympanicmembranepatientsattic-retractiontubeonsetDeterminingchangespocketsEustachianmiddleeardevelopmentstudyincidencewelldegreemucosaparstensadestructionbasedmucocilliarytransportotosurgicaldetectedgroupindicatingDevelopmentpathologicfindingdependsdysfunctioninfectionsiteaimedat:1cholesteatomawithin2association3intensitybone4ExaminingfunctiontimeaccordingtyperetrospectiveanalysisresultsobtainedtreatedInstituteOto-Rhino-LaryngologyMaxillofacialSurgeryClinicalCentreSerbiaBelgradediagnosischronicsuppurativeotitisunderwentproceduressix-yearperiod1996-2001series540subjectedtreatment1123%OnsetseverefrequentatticCholesteatoma822%25%AtrophicalmostApproximatelyonehalfaccompaniedatrophyBoneauditoryossicleslimitedlongprocessincussuperiorstructuresstapesTimesignificantlylongerp<001significanceReversibleevidencedthreequartersinflammationmajorfactorinfluencing[Clinicalcharacteristicspocket]

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