Overview of geriatric distance education for academic courses and continuing education.

Helen Arleen Johnson
Author Information
  1. Helen Arleen Johnson: Ohio Valley Appalachia Regional Geriatric Education Center, University of Kentucky Sanders-Brown Center on Aging, Lexington, KY 40506-0442, USA. Arleen@uky.edu


Distance education technologies may be applied to academic settings, continuing education/continuing medical education settings or in combination to both. This article provides an overview of what we have learned about academic and continuing education/continuing medical education in geriatrics and gerontology. It includes information on the scope of distance education, the strengths and challenges of distance education, and discusses issues related to technology, intellectual property, instructional design and curriculum development, collaborative effort, marketing, evaluation, and research.

MeSH Term

Computer-Assisted Instruction
Education, Distance
Education, Medical, Continuing
Education, Medical, Graduate
Education, Medical, Undergraduate
Intellectual Property
Program Development
Program Evaluation
United States

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0educationacademiccontinuingdistancesettingseducation/continuingmedicalDistancetechnologiesmayappliedcombinationarticleprovidesoverviewlearnedgeriatricsgerontologyincludesinformationscopestrengthschallengesdiscussesissuesrelatedtechnologyintellectualpropertyinstructionaldesigncurriculumdevelopmentcollaborativeeffortmarketingevaluationresearchOverviewgeriatriccourses

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