[Taxonomic analysis of Pseudomonas strains with uncertain taxonomic status].

O I Kotsofliak, E A Kiprianova, G F Levanova
Author Information


Pseudomonas strains isolated from soil and rhizosphere and designated as "Pseudomonas rathonis", Pseudomonas sp. B and Pseudomonas sp. C have been characterized by 113 phenotypic properties and studied by methods of molecular-genetic analysis. The 5'-terminal hypervariable 16S rRNA regions, containing from 208 to 344 nucleotides have been amplified and sequenced. The comparative analysis of sequence results gave evidence about phylogenetic relatedness of studied bacteria (98-100% of 16S rRNA sequences identity) to some saprophytic and plant-pathogenic Pseudomonas species. The latter substantially differed from studied strains in phenotypic characteristics. The DNA-DNA hybridization results have shown the low (0-36%) level of chromosomic DNA homology of "Pseudomonas rathonis", Pseudomonas sp. B, Pseudomonas sp. C strains with the type strains of P. fluorescens, P. putida, P. mendocina, P. pseudoalcaligenes. Obtained data give evidence that these strains belong to some novel Pseudomonas species.

MeSH Term

Base Sequence
Nucleic Acid Hybridization
Pseudomonas putida
RNA, Bacterial
RNA, Ribosomal, 16S


RNA, Bacterial
RNA, Ribosomal, 16S

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0PseudomonasstrainsspPstudiedanalysis"Pseudomonasrathonis"BCphenotypic16SrRNAresultsevidencespeciesisolatedsoilrhizospheredesignatedcharacterized113propertiesmethodsmolecular-genetic5'-terminalhypervariableregionscontaining208344nucleotidesamplifiedsequencedcomparativesequencegavephylogeneticrelatednessbacteria98-100%sequencesidentitysaprophyticplant-pathogeniclattersubstantiallydifferedcharacteristicsDNA-DNAhybridizationshownlow0-36%levelchromosomicDNAhomologytypefluorescensputidamendocinapseudoalcaligenesObtaineddatagivebelongnovel[Taxonomicuncertaintaxonomicstatus]

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