Inhibition of Abscisic Acid Biosynthesis in Cercospora rosicola by Inhibitors of Gibberellin Biosynthesis and Plant Growth Retardants.

S M Norman, S M Poling, V P Maier, E D Orme
Author Information
  1. S M Norman: United States Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Pasadena, California 91106.


The fungus Cercospora rosicola produces abscisic acid (ABA) as a secondary metabolite. We developed a convenient system using this fungus to determine the effects of compounds on the biosynthesis of ABA. Inasmuch as ABA and the gibberellins (GAs) both arise via the isoprenoid pathway, it was of interest to determine if inhibitors of GA biosynthesis affect ABA biosynthesis. All five putative inhibitors of GA biosynthesis tested inhibited ABA biosynthesis. Several plant growth retardants with poorly understood actions in plants were also tested; of these, six inhibited ABA biosynthesis to varying degrees and two had no effect. Effects of plant growth retardants on various branches of the isoprenoid biosynthetic pathway may help to explain some of the diverse and unexpected results reported for these compounds. Knowledge that certain inhibitors of GA biosynthesis also have the ability to inhibit ABA biosynthesis in C. rosicola indicates the need for further studies in plants on the mode of action of these compounds.


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Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0biosynthesisABArosicolacompoundsinhibitorsGAfungusCercosporadetermineisoprenoidpathwaytestedinhibitedplantgrowthretardantsplantsalsoBiosynthesisproducesabscisicacidsecondarymetabolitedevelopedconvenientsystemusingeffectsInasmuchgibberellinsGAsariseviainterestaffectfiveputativeSeveralpoorlyunderstoodactionssixvaryingdegreestwoeffectEffectsvariousbranchesbiosyntheticmayhelpexplaindiverseunexpectedresultsreportedKnowledgecertainabilityinhibitCindicatesneedstudiesmodeactionInhibitionAbscisicAcidInhibitorsGibberellinPlantGrowthRetardants

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