[Numerical characteristics of insect community structure in five stored export products along Yangtze River in Jiangsu Province].

Jianbo Guo, Yuzhou Du, Zhenchong Han, Yajuan Lu, Jie Gu
Author Information
  1. Jianbo Guo: Institute of Applied Entomology, Yangzhou University, China. guoxueluo@sohu.com


This paper investigated the dominant species of insect communities in five stored export products along Yangtze River in Jiangsu Province. With the indexes species richness, ecological dominance, community diversity and evenness, the numerical characteristics of insect community structure in the stored products were analyzed, and the similarity of the communities was also analyzed. By the method of hierarchical cluster analysis, the numerical classification was made, and the communities were grouped into 4 groups. The insect communities in stored willow and feather products were in the same group, while those in other stored products were grouped into 3 groups. Except that in woodwork products, the insect community structures in other stored products, especially in leather products, were not rational.

MeSH Term

Cluster Analysis
Population Dynamics

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0productsstoredinsectcommunitiescommunityspeciesfiveexportalongYangtzeRiverJiangsunumericalcharacteristicsstructureanalyzedgroupedgroupspaperinvestigateddominantProvinceindexesrichnessecologicaldominancediversityevennesssimilarityalsomethodhierarchicalclusteranalysisclassificationmade4willowfeathergroup3Exceptwoodworkstructuresespeciallyleatherrational[NumericalProvince]

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