Writing for scientific medical manuscript: a guide for preparing manuscript submitted to biomedical journals.

Siti Setiati, Kuntjoro Harimurti
Author Information
  1. Siti Setiati: Division of Geriatrics, Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine University of Indonesia-dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, Jakarta.


Publishing a manuscript of study results in a medical or biomedical journal is not as easy as we imagine. There are some components that should be noticed in publishing a medical scientific journal. Although every journal has different manuscript format, in general, a manuscript contain some components, which consist of: introduction, methods, results, and discussion. Before submitting the manuscript, be sure that it has been consistent with instructions to authors of the desired journal. Submitted manuscript should be enclosed by a cover letter, a statement about any sponsor or other potential relationship that may cause conflict of interest, a statement that the manuscript has been read and agreed by the author(s), and any information about a corresponding author. Writing skills is very important to obtain a good manuscript of study result, in order to achieve greater possibility for publication. Writing skills can be learned through various books or electronic sources such as internet which discuss about writing techniques.

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Biomedical Research
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