Pulmonary nocardiosis after lung transplantation: CT findings in 7 patients and review of the literature.

Aliye A Oszoyoglu, Jacobo Kirsch, Tan-Lucien H Mohammed
Author Information
  1. Aliye A Oszoyoglu: School of Medicine, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio, USA.


OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study is to review reported radiographic clues to the diagnosis of pulmonary nocardiosis, as well as to describe and illustrate the high-resolution computed tomography findings of 7 patients with pulmonary nocardiosis after lung transplantation.
CONCLUSIONS: Computed tomography findings of pulmonary nocardiosis after lung transplantation consist predominantly of nodules and cavitary lesions without any significant zonal or anatomic distribution. The diagnosis of pulmonary nocardiosis requires a high index of suspicion, as presenting symptoms are nonspecific, initial visualization is often not possible with routine stains, and identification requires prolonged cultures.

MeSH Term

Fatal Outcome
Immunocompromised Host
Lung Diseases
Lung Transplantation
Middle Aged
Nocardia Infections
Tomography, X-Ray Computed

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0nocardiosispulmonaryfindingslungreviewdiagnosistomography7patientstransplantationrequiresOBJECTIVE:purposestudyreportedradiographicclueswelldescribeillustratehigh-resolutioncomputedCONCLUSIONS:ComputedconsistpredominantlynodulescavitarylesionswithoutsignificantzonalanatomicdistributionhighindexsuspicionpresentingsymptomsnonspecificinitialvisualizationoftenpossibleroutinestainsidentificationprolongedculturesPulmonarytransplantation:CTliterature

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