- Hui Ma: Hepatology Institute, Peking University People's Hospital, Beijing 100044, China.
OBJECTIVE: Comparing clinical features and prognosis between HBeAg-negative and HBeAg-positive cirrhosis in patients with chronic type B hepatitis.
METHODS: 217 chronic type B hepatitis with cirrhosis patients were prospectively studied for 35 months (3 - 47 months). Comparing clinical features and prognosis between HBeAg-negative and HBeAg-positive cirrhosis in patients with chronic type B hepatitis.
RESULTS: The numbers of HBeAg-negative cirrhosis in patients with chronic type B hepatitis were more than HBeAg-positive cirrhosis; The median ALT and AST levels of HBeAg-negative patients were lower than HBeAg-positive patients; The median WBC, HGB and PLT levels of HBeAg-negative patients were lower than HBeAg-positive patients; HBV DNA positive rate and proportion of HBV DNA > 10(5) copies/ml of HBeAg-negative patients was lower than HBeAg-positive patients; The mortality rate of HBeAg-negative patients was higher than HBeAg-positive patients; among HBeAg-negative patients group, the presence rate of ascite, portal hypertensive gastrointestinal bleeding and HCC of patients treated with lamivudine were lower than the other patients, the proportion of non-presence of complications patients treated with lamivudine were higher than the other patients, the proportion of presence of one-two complications patients treated with lamivudine were lower than the other patients; among HBeAg-positive patients group, the presence rate of ascite of patients treated with lamivudine were lower than the other patients, the proportion of non-presence of complications patients treated with lamivudine were higher than the other patients.
CONCLUSION: Among the liver cirrhosis patients, the numbers of HBeAg-negative cirrhosis were more than HBeAg-positive cirrhosis; HBeAg-negative patients with cirrhosis have lower liver inflammation activity; HBeAg-negative patients with cirrhosis have lower WBC, HGB and PLT levels; HBV DNA positive rate and proportion of HBV DNA > 10(5) copies/ml of HBeAg-negative patients was lower than HBeAg-positive patients; The mortality rate of HBeAg-negative patients was higher than HBeAg-positive patients; Lamivudine treatment is beneficial in HBeAg-negative and HBeAg-positive cirrhosis patients.