Hysterosalpingographic tubal abnormalities and HIV infection among black women with tubal infertility in sub-Saharan Africa.

Adebiyi Gbadebo Adesiyun, C A Ameh, A Eka
Author Information
  1. Adebiyi Gbadebo Adesiyun: Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Ahmadu Bello University Teaching Hospital, Kaduna, Nigeria. biyi.adesiyun@yahoo.com


BACKGROUND: Tubal factor remains a common cause of infertility. The association of HIV infection and tubal infertility is a cause for concern.
OBJECTIVE: To determine hysterosalpingographic tubal abnormalities and HIV infection among patients with tubal infertility.
RESULTS: Over a 4-year period, 207 patients were analyzed. Of these, 174 (84.1%) presented with secondary infertility and 33 (15.9%) with primary infertility. The patients' age range was 21-48 years and mean age was 36.2 years. One hundred and two (49.3%) patients had a history of induced abortion. Concordant bilateral tubal occlusion was found in 139 (67.2%) patients while 68 (32.8%) had discordant bilateral tubal occlusion. Of the 414 fallopian tubes studied, proximal tubal occlusion was found in 66 (15.9%) cases and distal tubal occlusive pathology occurred in 348 (84.1%). An HIV positivity rate of 13.5% was recorded. Distal tubal occlusion with hydrosalpinx was more associated with HIV infection in this series.
CONCLUSION: A high HIV positivity rate was recorded among the patients with tubal infertility compared to the general population. There is prepondence of distal tubal occlusion in infertile women with tubal factor.

MeSH Term

Africa South of the Sahara
Fallopian Tube Diseases
HIV Infections
Infertility, Female
Middle Aged
Prospective Studies
Young Adult

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0tubalinfertilityHIVpatientsocclusioninfectionamongfactorcauseabnormalities841%159%ageyearsbilateralfounddistalpositivityraterecordedwomenBACKGROUND:TubalremainscommonassociationconcernOBJECTIVE:determinehysterosalpingographicRESULTS:4-yearperiod207analyzed174presentedsecondary33primarypatients'range21-48mean362Onehundredtwo493%historyinducedabortionConcordant139672%68328%discordant414fallopiantubesstudiedproximal66casesocclusivepathologyoccurred348135%DistalhydrosalpinxassociatedseriesCONCLUSION:highcomparedgeneralpopulationprepondenceinfertileHysterosalpingographicblacksub-SaharanAfrica

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