- M Brod'ák: Urologická klinika Lékarské fakulty UK a FN Hradec Králové. brodak@fnhk.cz
INTRODUCTION: The diabetes mellitus is risk factor for urologic surgery. The best prevention of complications is excellent compensation of diabetes, appropriated management of anesthesia and good post surgery care. The diabetes is etiologic risk factor many urologic diseases including malignant.
UROLOGIC SURGERY: The diabetes is intensively evaluated in uro-oncology and it seems that renal cell carcinoma and bladder cancer incidence is higher in diabetic patients. The link between prostate cancer and diabetes is not clear, yet. The behavior of this cancer is more aggressive and it has worse prognosis. The diabetes is risk etiologic factor for urolithiasis and benign prostatic hyperplasia. Immunodeficiency combined with diabetes has negative impact for urinary tract infection including most serious as emphysematous pyelonephritis or Fournier gangrene external genitalia.
CONCLUSION: The accurate compensation of the diabetes is basic condition good results of urologic surgery in diabetics. The diabetes mellitus and obesity will be evaluated as risk factors many diseases of kidneys and whole urologic apparatus especially malignant.