[Proposal for magnetic/electromagnetic fields protection norms on national level].

Drago Dordević, Dejan Raković
Author Information
  1. Drago Dordević: Univerzitet u Beogradu, Medicinski fakultet, Institut za patolosku fiziologiju, Beograd. dragodj@afrodita.rcub.bg.ac.yu


INTRODUCTION: The modern life is not possible without application of magnetic/electromagnetic fields, which can be both helpful and harmful for human body.
INFLUENCE OF MAGNETIC/ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS ON BIOLOGICAL SYSTEMS: The non-ionizing radiation, especially magnetic/electromagnetic fields of all frequencies (0-300 GHz), can have many harmful effects on the human health that is confirmed by numerous epidemiological studies, studies with volunteers, animal studies, and in vitro studies. Proposal for magnetic/electromagnetic fields protection norms on national level based on the WHO Program for Environment, International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP)], and WHO International EMF Project.
CONCLUSION: Protection from harmful effects of the magnetic/electromagnetic fields is still a great problem in many countries of modern society--huge costs, impaired quality of life, and more important, damage to the human health. Numerous data and publications of harmful effects of the magnetic/electromagnetic fields represents one's country basic necessary documentation for making decisions and law documents for protection norms on national level concerning the health maintenance according to the ICNIRP normatives.

MeSH Term

Electromagnetic Fields
Radiation Dosage
Radiation Protection
Radiation, Nonionizing
World Health Organization

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0magnetic/electromagneticfieldsharmfulstudieshumaneffectshealthprotectionnormsnationalmodernlifecanmanylevelWHOInternationalProtectionICNIRPINTRODUCTION:possiblewithoutapplicationhelpfulbodyINFLUENCEOFMAGNETIC/ELECTROMAGNETICFIELDSONBIOLOGICALSYSTEMS:non-ionizingradiationespeciallyfrequencies0-300GHzconfirmednumerousepidemiologicalvolunteersanimalvitroProposalbasedProgramEnvironmentCommissionNon-IonizingRadiation]EMFProjectCONCLUSION:stillgreatproblemcountriessociety--hugecostsimpairedqualityimportantdamageNumerousdatapublicationsrepresentsone'scountrybasicnecessarydocumentationmakingdecisionslawdocumentsconcerningmaintenanceaccordingnormatives[Proposallevel]

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