Cytokines across the night in chronic fatigue syndrome with and without fibromyalgia.

Toru Nakamura, Stephan K Schwander, Robert Donnelly, Felix Ortega, Fumiharu Togo, Gordon Broderick, Yoshiharu Yamamoto, Neil S Cherniack, David Rapoport, Benjamin H Natelson
Author Information
  1. Toru Nakamura: Pain & Fatigue Study Center, UMDNJ--New Jersey Medical School, Newark, New Jersey 07103, USA.


The symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) are consistent with cytokine dysregulation. This has led to the hypothesis of immune dysregulation as the cause of this illness. To further test this hypothesis, we did repeated blood sampling for cytokines while patients and matched healthy controls slept in the sleep lab. Because no one method for assaying cytokines is acknowledged to be better than another, we assayed for protein in serum, message in peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs), and function in resting and stimulated PBLs. We found no evidence of proinflammatory cytokine upregulation. Instead, in line with some of our earlier studies, we did find some evidence to support a role for an increase in interleukin-10, an anti-inflammatory cytokine. Although the changes were small, they may contribute to the common complaint in CFS patients of disrupted sleep.


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  1. R21 AI054478/NIAID NIH HHS
  2. AI-54478/NIAID NIH HHS
  3. R01 AI054478/NIAID NIH HHS
  4. HL-077462/NHLBI NIH HHS
  5. R21 HL077462/NHLBI NIH HHS

MeSH Term

Fatigue Syndrome, Chronic
Leukocytes, Mononuclear
Middle Aged



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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0cytokinechronicfatiguesyndromeCFSdysregulationhypothesisbloodcytokinespatientssleepPBLsevidencesymptomsconsistentledimmunecauseillnesstestrepeatedsamplingmatchedhealthycontrolssleptlabonemethodassayingacknowledgedbetteranotherassayedproteinserummessageperipherallymphocytesfunctionrestingstimulatedfoundproinflammatoryupregulationInsteadlineearlierstudiesfindsupportroleincreaseinterleukin-10anti-inflammatoryAlthoughchangessmallmaycontributecommoncomplaintdisruptedCytokinesacrossnightwithoutfibromyalgia

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