Spin-orbit contributions in high-spin nitrenes/carbenes: a hybrid CASSCF/MRMP2 study of zero-field splitting tensors.

Kenji Sugisaki, Kazuo Toyota, Kazunobu Sato, Daisuke Shiomi, Masahiro Kitagawa, Takeji Takui
Author Information
  1. Kenji Sugisaki: Department of Chemistry, Graduate School of Science, Osaka City University, 3-3-138, Sugimoto, Sumiyoshi-ku, Osaka 558-8585, Japan.


Zero-field splitting (ZFS) tensors (D tensors) of organic high-spin oligonitrenes/oligocarbenes up to spin-septet are quantitatively determined on the basis of quantum chemical calculations. The spin-orbit contributions, D(SO) tensors are calculated in terms of a hybrid CASSCF/MRMP2 approach, which was recently proposed by us. The spin-spin counterparts, D(SS) tensors are computed based on McWeeny-Mizuno's equation in conjunction with the RODFT spin densities. The present calculations show that more than 10% of ZFS arises from spin-orbit interactions in the high-spin nitrenes under study. Contributions of spin-bearing site-site interactions are estimated with the aid of a semi-empirical model for the D tensors and found to be ca. 5% of the D(SO) tensor. The analysis of intermediate states reveal that the largest contributions to the calculated D(SO) tensors are attributed to intra-site spin flip excitations and delocalized π and π* orbitals play an important role in the inter-site spin-orbit interactions.

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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0tensorsDhigh-spinspin-orbitcontributionsSOinteractionssplittingZFScalculationscalculatedhybridCASSCF/MRMP2spinstudyZero-fieldorganicoligonitrenes/oligocarbenesspin-septetquantitativelydeterminedbasisquantumchemicaltermsapproachrecentlyproposedusspin-spincounterpartsSScomputedbasedMcWeeny-Mizuno'sequationconjunctionRODFTdensitiespresentshow10%arisesnitrenesContributionsspin-bearingsite-siteestimatedaidsemi-empiricalmodelfoundca5%tensoranalysisintermediatestatesreveallargestattributedintra-siteflipexcitationsdelocalizedππ*orbitalsplayimportantroleinter-siteSpin-orbitnitrenes/carbenes:zero-field

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