Case-control study of eczema associated with IL13 genetic polymorphisms in Japanese children.

Yoshihiro Miyake, Chikako Kiyohara, Midori Koyanagi, Takahiro Fujimoto, Senji Shirasawa, Keiko Tanaka, Satoshi Sasaki, Yoshio Hirota
Author Information
  1. Yoshihiro Miyake: Department of Public Health, Faculty of Medicine, Fukuoka University, Jonan-ku, Fukuoka, Japan.


BACKGROUND: Several association studies have investigated the relationships between single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the IL13 gene and eczema, with inconsistent results. We conducted a case-control study of the relationship between the polymorphisms of rs1800925 and rs20541 and the risk of eczema in Japanese children aged 3 years.
METHODS: Included were the 209 cases identified based on criteria of the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood (ISAAC). Controls were 451 children without eczema based on ISAAC questions who had not been diagnosed by a physician as having asthma or atopic eczema.
RESULTS: The minor TT genotype of the rs1800925 SNP and the minor AA genotype of the rs20541 SNP were significantly related to an increased risk of eczema: adjusted odds ratio for the TT genotype was 2.78 (95% confidence interval 1.22-6.30) and that for the AA genotype was 2.38 (95% confidence interval 1.35-4.18). Haplotype analyses showed a protective association between the CG haplotype and eczema, whereas the TA haplotype was positively related to the risk of eczema. Perinatal smoking exposure did not interact with genotypes of the IL13 gene in the etiology of eczema. The significant association of the rs20541 SNP with eczema essentially disappeared after additional adjustment for the rs1800925 SNP, whereas a relationship with the rs1800925 SNP remained significant.
CONCLUSIONS: A common genetic variation in the IL13 gene at the levels of both single SNPs and haplotypes was associated with eczema. However, the significant association with the rs20541 SNP might be ascribed to the rs1800925 SNP.

MeSH Term

Asian People
Case-Control Studies
Child, Preschool
Cross-Sectional Studies
Genetic Predisposition to Disease
Polymorphism, Single Nucleotide



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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0eczemaSNPrs1800925associationIL13rs20541genotypepolymorphismsgeneriskchildrensignificantsingleSNPsstudyrelationshipJapanesebasedISAACminorTTAArelated295%confidenceinterval1haplotypewhereasgeneticassociatedBACKGROUND:Severalstudiesinvestigatedrelationshipsnucleotideinconsistentresultsconductedcase-controlaged3yearsMETHODS:Included209casesidentifiedcriteriaInternationalStudyAsthmaAllergiesChildhoodControls451withoutquestionsdiagnosedphysicianasthmaatopicRESULTS:significantlyincreasedeczema:adjustedoddsratio7822-6303835-418HaplotypeanalysesshowedprotectiveCGTApositivelyPerinatalsmokingexposureinteractgenotypesetiologyessentiallydisappearedadditionaladjustmentremainedCONCLUSIONS:commonvariationlevelshaplotypesHowevermightascribedCase-control

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