Characterization of the hemoglobin of the backswimmer Anisops deanei (Hemiptera).

Agnes Wawrowski, Philip G D Matthews, Eva Gleixner, Laurent Kiger, Michael C Marden, Thomas Hankeln, Thorsten Burmester
Author Information
  1. Agnes Wawrowski: Institute of Zoology, University of Hamburg, Biocenter Grindel, Martin-Luther-King-Platz 3, D-20146 Hamburg, Germany.


While O(2)-binding hemoglobin-like proteins are present in many insects, prominent amounts of hemoglobin have only been found in a few species. Backswimmers of the genera Anisops and Buenoa (Notonectidae) have high concentrations of hemoglobin in the large tracheal cells of the abdomen. Oxygen from the hemoglobin is delivered to a gas bubble and controls the buoyant density, which enables the bugs to maintain their position without swimming and to remain stationary in the mid-water zone where they hunt for prey. We have obtained the cDNA sequences of three Anisops deanei hemoglobin chains by RT-PCR and RACE techniques. The deduced amino acid sequences show an unusual insertion of a single amino acid in the conserved helix E, but this does not affect protein stability or ligand binding kinetics. Recombinant A. deanei hemoglobin has an oxygen affinity of P(50) = 2.4 kPa (18 torr) and reveals the presence of a dimeric fraction or two different conformations. The absorption spectra demonstrate that the Anisops hemoglobin is a typical pentacoordinate globin. Phylogenetic analyses show that the backswimmer hemoglobins evolved within Heteroptera and most likely originated from an intracellular hemoglobin with divergent function.

MeSH Term

Amino Acid Sequence
Biological Evolution
Insect Proteins
Molecular Sequence Data
Sequence Analysis, DNA


Insect Proteins

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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0hemoglobinAnisopsdeanei2sequencesaminoacidshowbackswimmerO-bindinghemoglobin-likeproteinspresentmanyinsectsprominentamountsfoundspeciesBackswimmersgeneraBuenoaNotonectidaehighconcentrationslargetrachealcellsabdomenOxygendeliveredgasbubblecontrolsbuoyantdensityenablesbugsmaintainpositionwithoutswimmingremainstationarymid-waterzonehuntpreyobtainedcDNAthreechainsRT-PCRRACEtechniquesdeducedunusualinsertionsingleconservedhelixEaffectproteinstabilityligandbindingkineticsRecombinantoxygenaffinityP50=4kPa18torrrevealspresencedimericfractiontwodifferentconformationsabsorptionspectrademonstratetypicalpentacoordinateglobinPhylogeneticanalyseshemoglobinsevolvedwithinHeteropteralikelyoriginatedintracellulardivergentfunctionCharacterizationHemiptera

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