Uncertainties of stormwater characteristics and removal rates of stormwater treatment facilities: implications for stormwater handling.

J G Langeveld, H J Liefting, F C Boogaard
Author Information
  1. J G Langeveld: Department of Sanitary Engineering, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Delft University of Technology, P.O. Box 5048, NL-2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands. j.g.langeveld@tudelft.nl


Stormwater runoff is a major contributor to the pollution of receiving waters. This study focuses at characterising stormwater in order to be able to determine the impact of stormwater on receiving waters and to be able to select the most appropriate stormwater handling strategy. The stormwater characterisation is based on determining site mean concentrations (SMCs) and their uncertainties as well as the treatability of stormwater by monitoring specific pollutants concentration levels (TSS, COD, BOD, TKN, TP, Pb, Cu, Zn, E.coli) at three full scale stormwater treatment facilities in Arnhem, the Netherlands. This has resulted in 106 storm events being monitored at the lamella settler, 59 at the high rate sand filter and 132 at the soil filter during the 2 year monitoring period. The stormwater characteristics in Arnhem in terms of SMCs for main pollutants TSS and COD and settling velocities differ from international data. This implies that decisions for stormwater handling made on international literature data will very likely be wrong due to assuming too high concentrations of pollutants and misjudgement of the treatability of stormwater. The removal rates monitored at the full scale treatment facilities are within the expected range, with the soil filter and the sand filter having higher removal rates than the lamella settler. The full scale pilots revealed the importance of incorporating gross solids removal in the design of stormwater treatment facilities, as the gross solids determine operation and maintenance requirements.

MeSH Term

Environmental Monitoring
Silicon Dioxide
Waste Disposal, Fluid
Water Movements
Water Pollutants
Water Pollution


Water Pollutants
Silicon Dioxide

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0stormwatertreatmentfilterremovalhandlingpollutantsfullscalefacilitiesratesreceivingwatersabledetermineconcentrationsSMCstreatabilitymonitoringTSSCODArnhemmonitoredlamellasettlerhighsandsoilcharacteristicsinternationaldatagrosssolidsStormwaterrunoffmajorcontributorpollutionstudyfocusescharacterisingorderimpactselectappropriatestrategycharacterisationbaseddeterminingsitemeanuncertaintieswellspecificconcentrationlevelsBODTKNTPPbCuZnEcolithreeNetherlandsresulted106stormevents59rate1322yearperiodtermsmainsettlingvelocitiesdifferimpliesdecisionsmadeliteraturewilllikelywrongdueassumingmisjudgementwithinexpectedrangehigherpilotsrevealedimportanceincorporatingdesignoperationmaintenancerequirementsUncertaintiesfacilities:implications

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