Rosuvastatin prevents angiotensin II-induced vascular changes by inhibition of NAD(P)H oxidase and COX-1.

Rocchina Colucci, Matteo Fornai, Emiliano Duranti, Luca Antonioli, Ilaria Rugani, Fatma Aydinoglu, Chiara Ippolito, Cristina Segnani, Nunzia Bernardini, Stefano Taddei, Corrado Blandizzi, Agostino Virdis
Author Information
  1. Rocchina Colucci: Department of Internal Medicine, University of Pisa, Pisa, Italy.


BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: NAD(P)H oxidase and COX-1 participate in vascular damage induced by angiotensin II. We investigated the effect of rosuvastatin on endothelial dysfunction, vascular remodelling, changes in extracellular matrix components and mechanical properties of small mesenteric arteries from angiotensin II-infused rats.
EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH: Male rats received angiotensin II (120 ng·kg⁻¹ ·min⁻¹ , subcutaneously) for 14 days with or without rosuvastatin (10 mg·kg⁻¹ ·day⁻¹ , oral gavage) or vehicle. Vascular functions and morphological parameters were assessed by pressurized myography.
KEY RESULTS: In angiotensin II-infused rats, ACh-induced relaxation was attenuated compared with controls, less sensitive to L-NAME, enhanced by SC-560 (COX-1 inhibitor) or SQ-29548 (prostanoid TP receptor antagonist), and normalized by the antioxidant ascorbic acid or NAD(P)H oxidase inhibitors. After rosuvastatin, relaxations to ACh were normalized, fully sensitive to L-NAME, and no longer affected by SC-560, SQ-29548 or NAD(P)H oxidase inhibitors. Angiotensin II enhanced intravascular superoxide generation, eutrophic remodelling, collagen and fibronectin depositions, and decreased elastin content, resulting in increased vessel stiffness. All these changes were prevented by rosuvastatin. Angiotensin II increased phosphorylation of NAD(P)H oxidase subunit p47phox and its binding to subunit p67phox, effects inhibited by rosuvastatin. Rosuvastatin down-regulated vascular Nox4/NAD(P)H isoform and COX-1 expression, attenuated the vascular release of 6-keto-PGF1α , and enhanced copper/zinc-superoxide dismutase expression.
CONCLUSION AND IMPLICATIONS: Rosuvastatin prevents angiotensin II-induced alterations in resistance arteries in terms of function, structure, mechanics and composition. These effects depend on restoration of NO availability, prevention of NAD(P)H oxidase-derived oxidant excess, reversal of COX-1 induction and its prostanoid production, and stimulation of endogenous vascular antioxidant defences.


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MeSH Term

Angiotensin II
Cyclooxygenase 1
Disease Models, Animal
Endothelium, Vascular
Enzyme Induction
Enzyme Inhibitors
Extracellular Matrix
Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA Reductase Inhibitors
Mechanical Phenomena
Membrane Proteins
Mesenteric Arteries
NADPH Oxidase 4
NADPH Oxidases
Protein Processing, Post-Translational
Rats, Sprague-Dawley
Rosuvastatin Calcium
Vascular Resistance


Enzyme Inhibitors
Hydroxymethylglutaryl-CoA Reductase Inhibitors
Membrane Proteins
Angiotensin II
Rosuvastatin Calcium
Cyclooxygenase 1
Ptgs1 protein, rat
NADPH Oxidase 4
NADPH Oxidases
Nox4 protein, rat

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0PHNADvascularangiotensinoxidaseCOX-1rosuvastatinIIchangesratsenhancedRosuvastatinANDremodellingarteriesII-infusedattenuatedsensitiveL-NAMESC-560SQ-29548prostanoidnormalizedantioxidantinhibitorsAngiotensinincreasedsubuniteffectsexpressionpreventsII-inducedBACKGROUNDPURPOSE:participatedamageinducedinvestigatedeffectendothelialdysfunctionextracellularmatrixcomponentsmechanicalpropertiessmallmesentericEXPERIMENTALAPPROACH:Malereceived120ng·kg⁻¹·min⁻¹subcutaneously14dayswithout10mg·kg⁻¹·day⁻¹oralgavagevehicleVascularfunctionsmorphologicalparametersassessedpressurizedmyographyKEYRESULTS:ACh-inducedrelaxationcomparedcontrolslessinhibitorTPreceptorantagonistascorbicacidrelaxationsAChfullylongeraffectedintravascularsuperoxidegenerationeutrophiccollagenfibronectindepositionsdecreasedelastincontentresultingvesselstiffnesspreventedphosphorylationp47phoxbindingp67phoxinhibiteddown-regulatedNox4/NADisoformrelease6-keto-PGF1αcopper/zinc-superoxidedismutaseCONCLUSIONIMPLICATIONS:alterationsresistancetermsfunctionstructuremechanicscompositiondependrestorationNOavailabilitypreventionoxidase-derivedoxidantexcessreversalinductionproductionstimulationendogenousdefencesinhibition

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