- Andrew L Geers: Department of Psychology, University of Toledo, Toledo, OH, USA. andrew.geers@utoledo.edu
Comparative optimism and dispositional optimism are typically studied separately and little is known regarding their unique and combined predictive abilities. We examined how these two types of optimism predict cognitive and affective reactions following unpleasant dental health feedback (Studies 1 and 2) and neutral feedback (Study 2). In Study 1, dispositional optimism and a measure of dental health comparative optimism interacted to predict appraisals of dental health feedback. In Study 2, dispositional optimism and dental health comparative optimism interacted to predict appraisals of new dental health information following negative dental health feedback - but not following neutral feedback. Individuals scoring high in dispositional optimism and low in dental health comparative optimism were more interested in and receptive to the dental health feedback than those scoring high in both types of optimism. Finally, greater dental health comparative optimism was associated with less negative affect following the dental health feedback, whereas dispositional optimism was associated with greater positive affect under all conditions. The results indicate that comparative and dispositional optimism are unique as well as interactive predictors.