New perspective on job burnout: exploring the root cause beyond general antecedents analysis.

Hong Chen, Peng Wu, Wei Wei
Author Information
  1. Hong Chen: China University of Mining and Technology, School of Management, Xuzhou, China.


Previous studies of job burnout are discussed and three types of job burnout are presented and compared. Various studies of job burnout were reviewed in terms of participants, burnout situation, and root cause. Next, the framework of job burnout antecedents was reformulated, including characteristics of organizations, work, and individuals. Three types of job burnout-organizational weakness-caused burnout, work weakness-caused burnout, and individual characteristic-caused burnout-were posited based on the root causes contributing to job burnout. Finally, the three subcomponents of job burnout were compared on availability, concealment, universality, severity, duration, diffusibility, and changeability. Root causes of job burnout should be attended to in job burnout research and intervention programs.

MeSH Term

Burnout, Professional
Job Satisfaction
Organizational Culture
Severity of Illness Index
Time Factors

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0burnoutjobrootstudiesthreetypescomparedcauseantecedentsworkweakness-causedcausesPreviousdiscussedpresentedVariousreviewedtermsparticipantssituationNextframeworkreformulatedincludingcharacteristicsorganizationsindividualsThreeburnout-organizationalindividualcharacteristic-causedburnout-werepositedbasedcontributingFinallysubcomponentsavailabilityconcealmentuniversalityseveritydurationdiffusibilitychangeabilityRootattendedresearchinterventionprogramsNewperspectiveburnout:exploringbeyondgeneralanalysis

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