Spatio-temporal modeling for real-time ozone forecasting.

Lucia Paci, Alan E Gelfand, David M Holland
Author Information
  1. Lucia Paci: Department of Statistical Science at Duke University, Box 90251, Durham NC 27708-0251, USA.


The accurate assessment of exposure to ambient ozone concentrations is important for informing the public and pollution monitoring agencies about ozone levels that may lead to adverse health effects. High-resolution air quality information can offer significant health benefits by leading to improved environmental decisions. A practical challenge facing the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) is to provide real-time forecasting of current 8-hour average ozone exposure over the entire conterminous United States. Such forecasting is now provided as spatial forecast maps of 8-hour average ozone defined as the average of the previous four hours, current hour, and for the next three hours. Current 8-hour average patterns are updated hourly throughout the day on the EPA-AIRNow web site. The contribution here is to show how we can substantially improve upon current real-time forecasting systems. To enable such forecasting, we introduce a downscaler fusion model based on first differences of real-time monitoring data and numerical model output. The model has a flexible coefficient structure and uses an efficient computational strategy to fit model parameters. Our hybrid computational strategy blends continuous background updated model fitting with real-time predictions. Model validation analyses show that we are achieving very accurate and precise ozone forecasts.



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  1. R01 ES014843/NIEHS NIH HHS

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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0ozonemodelreal-timeforecastingaveragecurrent8-houraccurateexposuremonitoringhealthcanhoursupdatedshowfusiondatacomputationalstrategyassessmentambientconcentrationsimportantinformingpublicpollutionagencieslevelsmayleadadverseeffectsHigh-resolutionairqualityinformationoffersignificantbenefitsleadingimprovedenvironmentaldecisionspracticalchallengefacingUSEnvironmentalProtectionAgencyUSEPAprovideentireconterminousUnitedStatesnowprovidedspatialforecastmapsdefinedpreviousfourhournextthreeCurrentpatternshourlythroughoutdayEPA-AIRNowwebsitecontributionsubstantiallyimproveuponsystemsenableintroducedownscalerbasedfirstdifferencesnumericaloutputflexiblecoefficientstructureusesefficientfitparametershybridblendscontinuousbackgroundfittingpredictionsModelvalidationanalysesachievingpreciseforecastsSpatio-temporalmodelingMarkovchainMonteCarlohierarchicalkrigingspace-timecovariancetimedifferencing

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