An analysis of association of components of yield and oil in safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.).

V Ranga Rao, M Ramachandram, V Arunachalam
Author Information
  1. V Ranga Rao: Soil Conservation Research Demonstration & Training Centre, Bellary, India.


Inter-relationships of various component characters with yield and oil content were analysed using 215 entries of safflower from India and U.S.A. Correlation of capsule number per plant and capsule weight with yield per plant was pronounced and they showed large direct effects on yield. All other components influenced seed yield mainly through these two components. Seed size had little effect on yield while seed number exerted a positive influence. The proportion of hull expressed as per cent of the whole seed revealed a highly significant and inverse relationship with oil content and was mainly responsible for the observed variability in oil content in the material. Although negative association was indicated between seed size and oil content, it was observed to be due to the indirect effect of hull content and not due to direct effect of seed size. Interestingly, yield per plant and its major components, number of capsules and capsule weight, revealed a negligible relationship with oil content. Both direct as well as indirect effects of hull percent and yield per plant were responsible for the favourable effect of seed number on oil content. The correlation of plant height, days to first flowering and total crop growth period with yield and oil content was either negligible or low, offering scope for developing early maturing and dwarf varieties with high yield and oil content. Spine index showed a non-significant association with yield and oil content. Capsule number, capsule weight and hull per cent were observed to be the most important components in breeding for higher yield and oil content.


  1. Theor Appl Genet. 1975 Jan;46(7):359-64 [PMID: 24420178]

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0yieldoilcontentperseednumberplantcomponentscapsuleeffecthullweightdirectsizeobservedassociationsafflowershowedeffectsmainlycentrevealedrelationshipresponsibledueindirectnegligibleInter-relationshipsvariouscomponentcharactersanalysedusing215entriesIndiaUSACorrelationpronouncedlargeinfluencedtwoSeedlittleexertedpositiveinfluenceproportionexpressedwholehighlysignificantinversevariabilitymaterialAlthoughnegativeindicatedInterestinglymajorcapsuleswellpercentfavourablecorrelationheightdaysfirstfloweringtotalcropgrowthperiodeitherlowofferingscopedevelopingearlymaturingdwarfvarietieshighSpineindexnon-significantCapsuleimportantbreedinghigheranalysisCarthamustinctoriusL

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