Great aspirations: the postwar American college counseling center.

Tom McCarthy
Author Information
  1. Tom McCarthy: U.S. Naval Academy.


In the decade after World War II, psychologists, eager to bring the benefits of counseling to larger numbers, convinced hundreds of American colleges and universities to establish counseling centers. Inspired by the educational-vocational counseling center founded by psychologists at the University of Minnesota in 1932, Carl R. Rogers's "client-centered" methods of personal adjustment counseling, and the 400-plus college counseling centers created by the Veterans Administration to provide the educational-vocational counseling benefit promised to returning World War II servicemen under the 1944 GI Bill, these counseling psychologists created a new place to practice where important currents in psychology, higher education, and federal policy converged and where they attempted to integrate educational-vocational counseling with personal adjustment counseling based on techniques from psychotherapy. By the mid-1960s, half of America's colleges and universities had established counseling centers, and more than 90% offered students educational, vocational, and psychological counseling services, a great achievement of the first generation of counseling psychologists.

MeSH Term

Aspirations, Psychological
History, 20th Century
Person-Centered Psychotherapy
Student Health Services
United States
United States Department of Veterans Affairs
Vocational Guidance
World War II

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0counselingpsychologistscenterseducational-vocationalWorldWarIIAmericancollegesuniversitiescenterpersonaladjustmentcollegecreateddecadeeagerbringbenefitslargernumbersconvincedhundredsestablishInspiredfoundedUniversityMinnesota1932CarlRRogers's"client-centered"methods400-plusVeteransAdministrationprovidebenefitpromisedreturningservicemen1944GIBillnewplacepracticeimportantcurrentspsychologyhighereducationfederalpolicyconvergedattemptedintegratebasedtechniquespsychotherapymid-1960shalfAmerica'sestablished90%offeredstudentseducationalvocationalpsychologicalservicesgreatachievementfirstgenerationGreataspirations:postwar

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