Prevalence of tubal obstruction in the hysterosalpingogram of women with primary and secondary infertility.

Taimoora Al Subhi, Ruqaiya Nasser Al Jashnmi, Maha Al Khaduri, Vaidyanathan Gowri
Author Information
  1. Taimoora Al Subhi: Sultan Qaboos University Hospital, Muscat, Oman.
  2. Ruqaiya Nasser Al Jashnmi: Sultan Qaboos University Hospital, Muscat, Oman.
  3. Maha Al Khaduri: Sultan Qaboos University Hospital, Muscat, Oman.
  4. Vaidyanathan Gowri: Sultan Qaboos University Hospital, Muscat, Oman.


BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the fallopian tube of women with infertility and to observe whether there are any significant differences in the Hysterosalpingogram findings with regard to prevalence of tubal block in women with primary and secondary infertility.
METHODS: A retrospective study of unilateral and bilateral tubal obstruction in Hysterosalpingogram of women with primary and secondary infertility was carried out.
RESULTS: The frequencies of tubal obstruction were about 19% in women with primary infertility and 29% in secondary infertility. Chlamydia antigen positivity rate was similar in both groups. Ectopic pregnancy (p<0.01) and previous pelvic surgery (p<0.001) were higher in women with secondary infertility.
CONCLUSION: Tubal obstruction is a cause of female infertility according to this study. Bilateral tubal obstruction was similar in primary and secondary infertility groups and previous pelvic surgery may be the cause of tubal obstruction in the secondary infertility group.



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Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0infertilitysecondarywomentubalobstructionprimarystudytubeHysterosalpingogramChlamydiasimilargroupsp<0previouspelvicsurgerycauseBACKGROUND:purposeevaluatefallopianobservewhethersignificantdifferencesfindingsregardprevalenceblockMETHODS:retrospectiveunilateralbilateralcarriedoutRESULTS:frequencies19%29%antigenpositivityrateEctopicpregnancy01001higherCONCLUSION:TubalfemaleaccordingBilateralmaygroupPrevalencehysterosalpingogramFallopianblockageHysterosalpingographyInfertility

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