Impact of nurse practitioners in primary healthcare fee-for-service practice settings.

Lihong Sun, Rachel A Jackson, Heather Dunne, Victoria A Power
Author Information
  1. Lihong Sun: Primary Healthcare, Chronic Disease Management & Rural Health Services, Island Health, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.
  2. Rachel A Jackson: Primary Healthcare, Chronic Disease Management & Rural Health Services, Island Health, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.
  3. Heather Dunne: Primary Healthcare, Chronic Disease Management & Rural Health Services, Island Health, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.
  4. Victoria A Power: Primary Healthcare, Chronic Disease Management & Rural Health Services, Island Health, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.


The Nurse Practitioner (NP) role possesses a high value to Fee-For-Service (FFS) practices in the primary healthcare system. A case study evaluation of the NP roles in three FFS clinics showed positive impacts on patient satisfaction and physician experience. Physicians' FFS expenditures increased 12% after the NP implementation. Although NP services could provide cost savings to the acute care system, financial sustainability of the NP role in FFS practice remains a challenge.

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0NPFFSroleprimaryhealthcaresystempracticeNursePractitionerpossesseshighvalueFee-For-ServicepracticescasestudyevaluationrolesthreeclinicsshowedpositiveimpactspatientsatisfactionphysicianexperiencePhysicians'expendituresincreased12%implementationAlthoughservicesprovidecostsavingsacutecarefinancialsustainabilityremainschallengeImpactnursepractitionersfee-for-servicesettings

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