Change in Corporal Punishment Over Time in a Representative Sample of Canadian Parents.

Sabrina Fréchette, Elisa Romano
Author Information


Corporal punishment is a controversial form of discipline. Although its prevalence appears high, legal reforms and public education efforts to limit corporal punishment may be resulting in a decrease in its prevalence and frequency of use. This study drew on Canadian nationally representative data to understand the social change that might be happening and to characterize parents who continue to use corporal punishment. The study relied on cross-sectional data from Cycles 1 (1994) to 8 (2008) of the Canadian National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth to examine parental reports of corporal punishment for children ages 2–11 years. Analyses were conducted separately for 2- to 5-, 6- to 9-, and 10- to 11-year-olds, and sociodemographics associated with corporal punishment were examined. A significant decrease in the prevalence and frequency of corporal punishment use was observed across time for all age groups. Child sex, parent age, employment status, family structure, household size, immigration status, ethnicity, and religion significantly distinguished parents who use corporal punishment from those who do not, but there was variability across the age groups. Effect sizes question the relevance of the observed decrease in corporal punishment from an applied perspective. Approximately 25% of Canadian parents still use corporal punishment with children ages 2–11 years; therefore, it remains an issue that merits continued attention. Certain Child, parent, and family characteristics seem to characterize parents who use corporal punishment, but other more dynamic variables may be important to consider, such as parental stress and their attitudes toward corporal punishment.

MeSH Term

Age Distribution
Child, Preschool
Cross-Sectional Studies
Longitudinal Studies
Socioeconomic Factors

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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0punishmentcorporaluseCanadianparentsprevalencedecreaseageCorporalmayfrequencystudydatacharacterizeparentalchildrenages2–11yearsobservedacrossgroupsparentstatusfamilycontroversialformdisciplineAlthoughappearshighlegalreformspubliceducationeffortslimitresultingdrewnationallyrepresentativeunderstandsocialchangemighthappeningcontinuereliedcross-sectionalCycles1199482008NationalLongitudinalSurveyChildrenYouthexaminereportsAnalysesconductedseparately2-5-6-9-10-11-year-oldssociodemographicsassociatedexaminedsignificanttimeChildsexemploymentstructurehouseholdsizeimmigrationethnicityreligionsignificantlydistinguishedvariabilityEffectsizesquestionrelevanceappliedperspectiveApproximately25%stillthereforeremainsissuemeritscontinuedattentionCertainchildcharacteristicsseemdynamicvariablesimportantconsiderstressattitudestowardChangePunishmentTimeRepresentativeSampleParents

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