Is the first seizure epilepsy--and when?

Nicholas Lawn, Josephine Chan, Judy Lee, John Dunne
Author Information
  1. Nicholas Lawn: Department of Neurology, Royal Perth Hospital, Perth, Western Australia, Australia.
  2. Josephine Chan: Department of Neurology, Royal Perth Hospital, Perth, Western Australia, Australia.
  3. Judy Lee: Department of Neurology, Royal Perth Hospital, Perth, Western Australia, Australia.
  4. John Dunne: Department of Neurology, Royal Perth Hospital, Perth, Western Australia, Australia.


OBJECTIVE: Epilepsy has recently been redefined to include a single unprovoked seizure if the probability of recurrence is ≥60% over the following 10 years. This definition is based on the estimated risk of a third seizure after two unprovoked seizures, using the lower-limit 95% confidence interval (CI) at 4 years, and does not account for the initially high recurrence rate after first-ever seizure that rapidly falls with increasing duration of seizure freedom. We analyzed long-term outcomes after the first-ever seizure, and the influence of duration of seizure freedom on the likelihood of seizure recurrence, and their relevance to the new definition of epilepsy.
METHODS: Prospective analysis of 798 adults with a first-ever unprovoked seizure seen at a hospital-based first seizure clinic between 2000 and 2011. The likelihood of seizure recurrence was analyzed according to the duration of seizure freedom, etiology, electroencephalography (EEG), and neuroimaging findings.
RESULTS: The likelihood of seizure recurrence at 10 years was ≥60% in patients with epileptiform abnormalities on EEG or neuroimaging abnormalities, therefore, meeting the new definition of epilepsy. However, the risk of recurrence was highly time dependent; after a brief period (≤12 weeks) of seizure freedom, no patient group continued to fulfill the new definition of epilepsy. Of 407 patients who had a second seizure, the likelihood of a third seizure at 4 years was 68% (95% CI 63-73%) and at 10 years was 85% (95% CI 79-91%).
SIGNIFICANCE: The duration of seizure freedom following first-ever seizure substantially influences the risk of recurrence, with none of our patients fulfilling the new definition of epilepsy after a short period of seizure freedom. When a threshold was applied based on the 10-year risk of a third seizure from our data, no first-seizure patient group ever had epilepsy. These data may be utilized in a definition of epilepsy after a first-ever seizure.


MeSH Term

Aged, 80 and over
Central Nervous System Diseases
Likelihood Functions
Longitudinal Studies
Middle Aged
Outcome Assessment, Health Care
Retrospective Studies
Young Adult



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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0seizurerecurrenceepilepsydefinitionfreedomyearsfirst-everriskdurationlikelihoodnewunprovoked10third95%CIpatients≥60%followingbased4analyzedfirstEEGneuroimagingabnormalitiesperiodpatientgroupdataOBJECTIVE:Epilepsyrecentlyredefinedincludesingleprobabilityestimatedtwoseizuresusinglower-limitconfidenceintervalaccountinitiallyhighraterapidlyfallsincreasinglong-termoutcomesinfluencerelevanceMETHODS:Prospectiveanalysis798adultsseenhospital-basedclinic20002011accordingetiologyelectroencephalographyfindingsRESULTS:epileptiformthereforemeetingHoweverhighlytimedependentbrief≤12weekscontinuedfulfill407second68%63-73%85%79-91%SIGNIFICANCE:substantiallyinfluencesnonefulfillingshortthresholdapplied10-yearfirst-seizureevermayutilizedepilepsy--andwhen?DefinitionFirstPrognosis

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