The cascade construction of artificial ponds as a tool for urban stream restoration - The use of benthic diatoms to assess the effects of restoration practices.

Joanna Żelazna-Wieczorek, Paulina Nowicka-Krawczyk
Author Information
  1. Joanna Żelazna-Wieczorek: Department of Algology and Mycology, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, University of Łódź, 12/16 Banacha Street, 90-237, Łódź, Poland. Electronic address:
  2. Paulina Nowicka-Krawczyk: Department of Algology and Mycology, Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection, University of Łódź, 12/16 Banacha Street, 90-237, Łódź, Poland. Electronic address:


A series of cascade artificial ponds were constructed to improve the ecological status of the stream. To evaluate the effects of restoration practices, a bioassessment, based on phytobenthic algae - the diatoms, was made. Hierarchical Cluster Analysis (HCA) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA) of diatom assemblages allowed for evaluating the influence of a series of cascade artificial ponds on stream integrity. To reveal which environmental factors had the greatest influence on shaping diatom assemblages, the BIO-ENV procedure was used, and in order to examine whether these factors had equal influence on diatoms along the stream, Redundancy Analysis (RDA) was used. The analysis of diatom assemblages allowed for the calculation of the diatom indices in order to assess the water quality and the ecological status of the stream. Artificial ponds constructed on the stream had significant effects on the integrity of the stream ecosystem. Diatom assemblages characteristic of stream habitats were disrupted by the species from ponds. HCA and PCA revealed that the stream was clearly divided into three sections: ponds, stream parts under the influence of ponds, and stream parts isolated from ponds. The ponds thus altered stream environmental conditions. Benthic diatom assemblages were affected by a combination of four environmental factors: the concentration of ammonium ions, dissolved oxygen, conductivity, and the amount of total suspended material in the water. These factors, together with water pH, had a diverse influence on diatom assemblages alongside the stream, which was caused by a series of cascade ponds. In theory, this restoration practice should restore the stream close to its natural state, but bioassessment of the stream ecosystem based on diatoms revealed that there was no improvement of the ecological status alongside the stream. The construction of artificial ponds disrupted stream continuity and altered the character of the stream ecosystem.


MeSH Term

Environmental Monitoring
Environmental Restoration and Remediation
Water Pollutants, Chemical


Water Pollutants, Chemical

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0streampondsdiatomassemblagesinfluencecascadeartificialstatusrestorationdiatomsseriesecologicaleffectsAnalysisintegrityenvironmentalfactorswaterecosystemconstructedpracticesbioassessmentbased-HCAPCAallowedusedorderassessdisruptedrevealedpartsalteredalongsideconstructionimproveevaluatephytobenthicalgaemadeHierarchicalClusterPrincipalComponentevaluatingrevealgreatestshapingBIO-ENVprocedureexaminewhetherequalalongRedundancyRDAanalysiscalculationindicesqualityArtificialsignificantDiatomcharacteristichabitatsspeciesclearlydividedthreesections:isolatedthusconditionsBenthicaffectedcombinationfourfactors:concentrationammoniumionsdissolvedoxygenconductivityamounttotalsuspendedmaterialtogetherpHdiversecausedtheorypracticerestoreclosenaturalstateimprovementcontinuitycharactertoolurbanusebenthicBioassessmentCascadeDiatomsEcologicalEcosystemRestoration

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