Medicare Care Choices Model Enables Concurrent Palliative and Curative Care.

U S Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services
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On July 20, 2015, the federal Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced hospices that have been selected to participate in the Medicare Care Choices Model. Fewer than half of the Medicare beneficiaries use hospice care for which they are eligible. Current Medicare regulations preclude concurrent palliative and curative care. Under the Medicare Choices Model, dually eligible Medicare beneficiaries may elect to receive supportive care services typically provided by hospice while continuing to receive curative services. This report describes how CMS has expanded the model from an originally anticipated 30 Medicare-certified hospices to over 140 Medicare-certified hospices and extended the duration of the model from 3 to 5 years. Medicare-certified hospice programs that will participate in the model are listed.


MeSH Term

Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, U.S.
Delivery of Health Care
Insurance Coverage
United States

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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0MedicareCareChoicescarehospicesModelhospicecurativemodelMedicare-certifiedCMSparticipatebeneficiarieseligiblepalliativereceivesupportiveservicesJuly202015federalCenters&MedicaidServicesannouncedselectedFewerhalfuseCurrentregulationsprecludeconcurrentduallymayelecttypicallyprovidedcontinuingreportdescribesexpandedoriginallyanticipated30140extendedduration35yearsprogramswilllistedEnablesConcurrentPalliativeCurative

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