Clinical activity of sunitinib rechallenge in metastatic renal cell carcinoma-Results of the REchallenge with SUnitinib in MEtastatic RCC (RESUME) Study.

Stéphane Oudard, Lionnel Geoffrois, Aline Guillot, Christine Chevreau, Jean-Laurent Deville, Sabrina Falkowski, Helen Boyle, Marjorie Baciuchka, Pierre Gimel, Brigitte Laguerre, Mathieu Laramas, Christian Pfister, Delphine Topart, Frédéric Rolland, Eric Legouffe, Gwénaël Denechere, Eric Yaovi Amela, Sophie Abadie-Lacourtoisie, Marine Gross-Goupil
Author Information
  1. Stéphane Oudard: Medical Oncology Department, Hôpital Européen George Pompidou, Paris, France. Electronic address:
  2. Lionnel Geoffrois: Oncology Department, Centre Alexis Vautrin, Vandoeuvre Les Nancy, France.
  3. Aline Guillot: Medical Oncology, Institut de Cancérologie Lucien Neuwirth, Saint Priest en Jarez, France.
  4. Christine Chevreau: Medical Oncology, Institut Claudius Régaud, Toulouse, France.
  5. Jean-Laurent Deville: Oncology Department, CHU de la Thimone, Marseille, France.
  6. Sabrina Falkowski: Medical Oncology, CHU Limoges - Hôpital Dupuytren, Limoges, France.
  7. Helen Boyle: Medical Oncology Department, Centre Léon Bérard, Lyon, France.
  8. Marjorie Baciuchka: Multidisciplinary Oncology and Therapeutic Innovations, Hôpital NORD, Marseille, France.
  9. Pierre Gimel: Urology Department, Polyclinique St Roch, Cabestany, France.
  10. Brigitte Laguerre: Medical Oncology, Centre Eugène Marquis, Rennes, France.
  11. Mathieu Laramas: Medical Oncology, CHU de Grenoble, Grenoble, France.
  12. Christian Pfister: Medical Oncology, CHU de Rouen, Rouen, France.
  13. Delphine Topart: Medical Oncology, CHU de Montpellier, Montpellier, France.
  14. Frédéric Rolland: Institut de Cancérologie de l'Ouest, Saint-Herblain, France.
  15. Eric Legouffe: Oncology Department, Polycliniques Ken-Val - Site Valdegour, Nimes, France.
  16. Gwénaël Denechere: Oncology, Pfizer, Paris, France.
  17. Eric Yaovi Amela: Medical Oncology, Centre Oscar Lambret, Lille, France.
  18. Sophie Abadie-Lacourtoisie: Institut de Cancérologie de la Loire, Angers, France.
  19. Marine Gross-Goupil: Medical Oncology, Hôpital Saint-André, CHU Bordeaux, Bordeaux, France.


AIM: To assess the efficacy and tolerability of sunitinib rechallenge in the third-line or later setting in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma (mRCC).
PATIENTS AND METHODS: This observational study comprised 61 mRCC patients at 19 centres in France who received sunitinib rechallenge between January 2006 and May 2013. Patients received first-line sunitinib, ≥1 different targeted therapies, and then sunitinib rechallenge. Patient/disease characteristics, tolerability, treatment modalities, and outcomes of therapeutic lines were recorded. The primary end-point was progression-free survival (PFS) in sunitinib rechallenge.
RESULTS: Analyses included 52 patients; median age was 59 years, 75% were male, and 98% had clear-cell mRCC and prior nephrectomy. At sunitinib rechallenge versus first-line, patients had poorer performance (Karnofsky performance status 90-100: 30% versus 81%) and Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Centre prognostic risk (poor risk: 18% versus 3%). Overall, 20%, 65%, 12%, and 4% received sunitinib rechallenge as third-, fourth-, fifth-, and sixth-line therapy, respectively, at 14.6 months (median) after stopping initial treatment. With first-line sunitinib and rechallenge, median PFS was 18.4 and 7.9 months, respectively; objective response rate was 54% and 15%. Two of eight rechallenge responders had not achieved first-line response. Median overall survival was 55.9 months. The sunitinib rechallenge safety profile was as expected, with no new adverse events reported.
CONCLUSIONS: Sunitinib rechallenge is a feasible treatment option with potential clinical benefit for mRCC patients. Disease progression with first-line sunitinib may not be associated with complete or irreversible resistance to therapy.


MeSH Term

Aged, 80 and over
Antineoplastic Agents
Carcinoma, Renal Cell
Disease-Free Survival
Kidney Neoplasms
Middle Aged
Retrospective Studies
Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor A


Antineoplastic Agents
Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor A

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0sunitinibrechallengepatientsfirst-linemRCCrenalcellreceivedtreatmentmedianversusmonthstolerabilitymetastaticcarcinomasurvivalPFSperformancetherapyrespectively9responseSunitinibAIM:assessefficacythird-linelatersettingPATIENTSANDMETHODS:observationalstudycomprised6119centresFranceJanuary2006May2013Patients≥1differenttargetedtherapiesPatient/diseasecharacteristicsmodalitiesoutcomestherapeuticlinesrecordedprimaryend-pointprogression-freeRESULTS:Analysesincluded52age59years75%male98%clear-cellpriornephrectomypoorerKarnofskystatus90-100:30%81%MemorialSloanKetteringCancerCentreprognosticriskpoorrisk:18%3%Overall20%65%12%4%third-fourth-fifth-sixth-line146stoppinginitial1847objectiverate54%15%TwoeightrespondersachievedMedianoverall55safetyprofileexpectednewadverseeventsreportedCONCLUSIONS:feasibleoptionpotentialclinicalbenefitDiseaseprogressionmayassociatedcompleteirreversibleresistanceClinicalactivitycarcinoma-ResultsREchallengeSUnitinibMEtastaticRCCRESUMEStudyFirst-lineMetastaticRechallengeResistance

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