Co-generation of microbial lipid and bio-butanol from corn cob bagasse in an environmentally friendly biorefinery process.
Di Cai, Zhongshi Dong, Yong Wang, Changjing Chen, Ping Li, Peiyong Qin, Zheng Wang, Tianwei Tan
Author Information
Di Cai: National Energy R&D Center for Biorefinery, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing 100029, PR China.
Zhongshi Dong: National Energy R&D Center for Biorefinery, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing 100029, PR China.
Yong Wang: National Energy R&D Center for Biorefinery, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing 100029, PR China.
Changjing Chen: National Energy R&D Center for Biorefinery, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing 100029, PR China.
Ping Li: National Energy R&D Center for Biorefinery, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing 100029, PR China.
Peiyong Qin: National Energy R&D Center for Biorefinery, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing 100029, PR China. Electronic address:
Zheng Wang: National Energy R&D Center for Biorefinery, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing 100029, PR China.
Tianwei Tan: National Energy R&D Center for Biorefinery, Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing 100029, PR China.
Biorefinery process of corn cob bagasse was investigated by integrating microbial lipid and ABE fermentation. The effects of NaOH concentration on the fermentations performance were evaluated. The black liquor after pretreatment was used as substrate for microbial lipid fermentation, while the enzymatic hydrolysates of the bagasse were used for ABE fermentation. The results demonstrated that under the optimized condition, the cellulose and hemicellulose in raw material could be effectively utilized. Approximate 87.7% of the polysaccharides were converted into valuable biobased products (∼175.7g/kg of ABE along with ∼36.6g/kg of lipid). At the same time, almost half of the initial COD (∼48.9%) in the black liquor could be degraded. The environmentally friendly biorefinery process showed promising in maximizing the utilization of biomass for future biofuels production.