No need for luteal phase support in IVF cycles after mild stimulation: proof-of-concept study.

Anna Pia Ferraretti, Paul Devroey, M Cristina Magli, Luca Gianaroli
Author Information
  1. Anna Pia Ferraretti: Reproductive Medicine Unit, S.I.S.Me.R., Via Mazzini 12, 40138 Bologna, Italy. Electronic address:
  2. Paul Devroey: Reproductive Medicine Unit, S.I.S.Me.R., Via Mazzini 12, 40138 Bologna, Italy.
  3. M Cristina Magli: Reproductive Medicine Unit, S.I.S.Me.R., Via Mazzini 12, 40138 Bologna, Italy.
  4. Luca Gianaroli: Reproductive Medicine Unit, S.I.S.Me.R., Via Mazzini 12, 40138 Bologna, Italy.


This is a pilot study performed in a private IVF unit. The objective of the study was to investigate whether luteal support is required in IVF cycles after mild stimulation with clomiphene citrate and low FSH doses. The study included 15 patients with good prognosis (defined as ≤38 years old with normal ovarian reserve and normovulatory cycles, body mass index <29 kg/m, no previous cycles, no severe endometriosis, no history of recurrent miscarriage, no endocrine/autoimmune diseases and no surgical semen extraction from the partner) undergoing IVF with mild stimulation. Patients were monitored during the luteal phase by serum progesterone and LH. The luteal support was started only when necessary. No patient needed luteal phase support because the resultant steroid environment was different from that associated with conventional stimulation techniques. The live birth rate was 40% (6/15) and the implantation rate 30% (6/20). There are several benefits to mild stimulation, including low cost, less patient distress and improved endometrial receptivity. Our study supports the concept that mild stimulation may have an additional benefit during the luteal phase, by obviating the need for luteal phase support.


MeSH Term

Body Mass Index
Embryo Implantation
Fertility Agents, Female
Fertilization in Vitro
Follicle Stimulating Hormone
Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone
Luteal Phase
Luteinizing Hormone
Ovarian Reserve
Ovulation Induction
Pilot Projects
Pregnancy Rate


Fertility Agents, Female
Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone
Luteinizing Hormone
Follicle Stimulating Hormone

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0lutealmildstimulationphasestudyIVFsupportcycleslowpatientrateneedpilotperformedprivateunitobjectiveinvestigatewhetherrequiredclomiphenecitrateFSHdosesincluded15patientsgoodprognosisdefined≤38yearsoldnormalovarianreservenormovulatorybodymassindex<29 kg/mprevioussevereendometriosishistoryrecurrentmiscarriageendocrine/autoimmunediseasessurgicalsemenextractionpartnerundergoingPatientsmonitoredserumprogesteroneLHstartednecessaryneededresultantsteroidenvironmentdifferentassociatedconventionaltechniqueslivebirth40%6/15implantation30%6/20severalbenefitsincludingcostlessdistressimprovedendometrialreceptivitysupportsconceptmayadditionalbenefitobviatingstimulation:proof-of-concept

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