The dual role of cathelicidins in systemic inflammation.

Fabiano Pinheiro da Silva, Marcel Cerqueira César Machado
Author Information
  1. Fabiano Pinheiro da Silva: Emergency Medicine Department, University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Electronic address:
  2. Marcel Cerqueira César Machado: Emergency Medicine Department, University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil.


Antimicrobial peptides are key components of the innate immune system. They act as broad-spectrum antimicrobial agents against Gram-positive and -negative bacteria, viruses, and fungi. More recently, antimicrobial peptides have been ascribed immunomodulatory functions, including roles in wound healing, induction of cytokines, and altering host gene expression. Cathelicidins are a class of antimicrobial peptide found in humans, mice, and rats, among others. Known as LL-37 in humans and cathelin-related antimicrobial peptide (CRAMP) in rodents, cathelicidins are produced by many different cells, including macrophages, neutrophils, and epithelial cells. The role of cathelicidins is somewhat confounding, as they exhibit both pro-and anti-inflammatory activity. A major obstacle in the study of cathelicidins is the inability of exogenous LL-37 or CRAMP to mimic the activity of their endogenous counterparts. Nevertheless, studies have shown that LL-37 is recognized by multiple receptors, and may stabilize or modulate Toll-like receptor signaling. In addition, cathelicidins play a role in apoptosis, inflammasome activation, and phagocytosis. However, many studies are revealing the dual effects of cathelicidins. For example, CRAMP appears to be protective in models of group A Streptococcus skin infection, pneumonia, and meningitis, but detrimental in cases of severe bacterial infection, such as septic shock. It is becoming increasingly clear that the activity of cathelicidins is modulated by complex interactions with the microenvironment, as well as the disease background. This article reviews what is currently known about the activity of cathelicidins in an attempt to understand their complex roles in systemic diseases.


MeSH Term

Gene Expression Regulation
Inflammation Mediators
Signal Transduction


Inflammation Mediators

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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0cathelicidinsantimicrobialLL-37CRAMPactivityrolepeptidesincludingrolespeptidehumansmanycellsstudiesdualinfectioncomplexsystemicAntimicrobialkeycomponentsinnateimmunesystemactbroad-spectrumagentsGram-positive-negativebacteriavirusesfungirecentlyascribedimmunomodulatoryfunctionswoundhealinginductioncytokinesalteringhostgeneexpressionCathelicidinsclassfoundmiceratsamongothersKnowncathelin-relatedrodentsproduceddifferentmacrophagesneutrophilsepithelialsomewhatconfoundingexhibitpro-andanti-inflammatorymajorobstaclestudyinabilityexogenousmimicendogenouscounterpartsNeverthelessshownrecognizedmultiplereceptorsmaystabilizemodulateToll-likereceptorsignalingadditionplayapoptosisinflammasomeactivationphagocytosisHoweverrevealingeffectsexampleappearsprotectivemodelsgroupStreptococcusskinpneumoniameningitisdetrimentalcasesseverebacterialsepticshockbecomingincreasinglyclearmodulatedinteractionsmicroenvironmentwelldiseasebackgroundarticlereviewscurrentlyknownattemptunderstanddiseasesinflammationInflammationSepsis

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