Slum Upgrading and Health Equity.

Jason Corburn, Alice Sverdlik
Author Information
  1. Jason Corburn: Department of City and Regional Planning & School of Public Health, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA.
  2. Alice Sverdlik: Department of City and Regional Planning & School of Public Health, University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA.


Informal settlement upgrading is widely recognized for enhancing shelter and promoting economic development, yet its potential to improve health equity is usually overlooked. Almost one in seven people on the planet are expected to reside in urban informal settlements, or slums, by 2030. Slum upgrading is the process of delivering place-based environmental and social improvements to the urban poor, including land tenure, housing, infrastructure, employment, health services and political and social inclusion. The processes and products of slum upgrading can address multiple environmental determinants of health. This paper reviewed urban slum upgrading evaluations from cities across Asia, Africa and Latin America and found that few captured the multiple health benefits of upgrading. With the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) focused on improving well-being for billions of city-dwellers, slum upgrading should be viewed as a key strategy to promote health, equitable development and reduce climate change vulnerabilities. We conclude with suggestions for how slum upgrading might more explicitly capture its health benefits, such as through the use of health impact assessment (HIA) and adopting an urban health in all policies (HiAP) framework. Urban slum upgrading must be more explicitly designed, implemented and evaluated to capture its multiple global environmental health benefits.



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MeSH Term

Climate Change
Environmental Health
Health Equity
Latin America
Poverty Areas
Socioeconomic Factors
Urban Health
Urban Population

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0healthupgradingslumurbandevelopmentenvironmentalsocialmultiplebenefitsequityslumsSlumhousingdeterminantsclimatechangeexplicitlycapturepoliciesInformalsettlementwidelyrecognizedenhancingshelterpromotingeconomicyetpotentialimproveusuallyoverlookedAlmostonesevenpeopleplanetexpectedresideinformalsettlements2030processdeliveringplace-basedimprovementspoorincludinglandtenureinfrastructureemploymentservicespoliticalinclusionprocessesproductscanaddresspaperreviewedevaluationscitiesacrossAsiaAfricaLatinAmericafoundcapturedSustainableDevelopmentGoalsSDGsfocusedimprovingwell-beingbillionscity-dwellersviewedkeystrategypromoteequitablereducevulnerabilitiesconcludesuggestionsmightuseimpactassessmentHIAadoptingHiAPframeworkUrbanmustdesignedimplementedevaluatedglobalUpgradingHealthEquityadaptationparticipationsustainablegoals

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