Probabilistic migration modelling focused on functional barrier efficiency and low migration concepts in support of risk assessment.

Rainer Brandsch
Author Information
  1. Rainer Brandsch: a MDCTec Systems GmbH , Augsburg , Germany.


Migration modelling provides reliable migration estimates from food-contact materials (FCM) to food or food simulants based on mass-transfer parameters like diffusion and partition coefficients related to individual materials. In most cases, mass-transfer parameters are not readily available from the literature and for this reason are estimated with a given uncertainty. Historically, uncertainty was accounted for by introducing upper limit concepts first, turning out to be of limited applicability due to highly overestimated migration results. Probabilistic migration modelling gives the possibility to consider uncertainty of the mass-transfer parameters as well as other model inputs. With respect to a functional barrier, the most important parameters among others are the diffusion properties of the functional barrier and its thickness. A software tool that accepts distribution as inputs and is capable of applying Monte Carlo methods, i.e., random sampling from the input distributions of the relevant parameters (i.e., diffusion coefficient and layer thickness), predicts migration results with related uncertainty and confidence intervals. The capabilities of probabilistic migration modelling are presented in the view of three case studies (1) sensitivity analysis, (2) functional barrier efficiency and (3) validation by experimental testing. Based on the predicted migration by probabilistic migration modelling and related exposure estimates, safety evaluation of new materials in the context of existing or new packaging concepts is possible. Identifying associated migration risk and potential safety concerns in the early stage of packaging development is possible. Furthermore, dedicated material selection exhibiting required functional barrier efficiency under application conditions becomes feasible. Validation of the migration risk assessment by probabilistic migration modelling through a minimum of dedicated experimental testing is strongly recommended.


MeSH Term

Environmental Exposure
Food Contamination
Food Packaging
Maximum Allowable Concentration
Models, Statistical
Monte Carlo Method
Risk Assessment

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0migrationmodellingparametersfunctionalbarrieruncertaintyprobabilisticmaterialsfoodmass-transferdiffusionrelatedconceptsefficiencysafetypackagingriskMigrationestimatesresultsProbabilisticinputsthicknessMonteCarloieexperimentaltestingevaluationnewpossiblededicatedassessmentprovidesreliablefood-contactFCMsimulantsbasedlikepartitioncoefficientsindividualcasesreadilyavailableliteraturereasonestimatedgivenHistoricallyaccountedintroducingupperlimitfirstturninglimitedapplicabilityduehighlyoverestimatedgivespossibilityconsiderwellmodelrespectimportantamongotherspropertiessoftwaretoolacceptsdistributioncapableapplyingmethodsrandomsamplinginputdistributionsrelevantcoefficientlayerpredictsconfidenceintervalscapabilitiespresentedviewthreecasestudies1sensitivityanalysis23validationBasedpredictedexposurecontextexistingIdentifyingassociatedpotentialconcernsearlystagedevelopmentFurthermorematerialselectionexhibitingrequiredapplicationconditionsbecomesfeasibleValidationminimumstronglyrecommendedfocusedlowsupportmethod

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