Considerations when conducting e-Delphi research: a case study.

Coleen Toronto
Author Information
  1. Coleen Toronto: Curry College, Milton, Massachusetts, US.


Background E-Delphi is a way to access a geographically dispersed group of experts. It is similar to other Delphi methods but conducted online. E-research methodologies, such as the e-Delphi method, have yet to undergo significant critical discussion. Aim To highlight some of the challenges nurse researchers may wish to consider when using e-Delphi in their research. Discussion This paper provides details about the author's approach to conducting an e-Delphi study in which a group of health literacy nurse experts (n=41) used an online survey platform to identify and prioritise essential health literacy competencies for registered nurses. Conclusion This paper advances methodological discourse about e-Delphi by critically assessing an e-Delphi case study. The online survey platform used in this study was advantageous for the researcher and the experts: the experts could participate at any time and place where the internet was available; the researcher could efficiently access a national group of experts, track responses and analyse data in each round. Implications for practice E-Delphi studies create opportunities for nurse researchers to conduct research nationally and internationally. Before conducting an e-Delphi study, researchers should carefully consider the design and methods for collecting data, to avoid challenges that could potentially compromise the quality of the findings. Researchers are encouraged to publish details about their approaches to e-Delphi studies, to advance the state of the science.


MeSH Term

Data Collection
Delphi Technique
Health Literacy
Nursing Research
Research Design
Surveys and Questionnaires

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0e-DelphistudyexpertsgrouponlinenurseresearchersresearchconductingsurveydataE-DelphiaccessmethodschallengesconsiderpaperdetailshealthliteracyusedplatformcaseresearcherstudiesdesignBackgroundwaygeographicallydispersedsimilarDelphiconductedE-researchmethodologiesmethodyetundergosignificantcriticaldiscussionAimhighlightmaywishusingDiscussionprovidesauthor'sapproachn=41identifyprioritiseessentialcompetenciesregisterednursesConclusionadvancesmethodologicaldiscoursecriticallyassessingadvantageousexperts:participatetimeplaceinternetavailableefficientlynationaltrackresponsesanalyseroundImplicationspracticecreateopportunitiesconductnationallyinternationallycarefullycollectingavoidpotentiallycompromisequalityfindingsResearchersencouragedpublishapproachesadvancestatescienceConsiderationsresearch:collectionnursingrecruitment

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