Application of the Delphi technique in healthcare maintenance.

Stanley Njuangang, Champika Liyanage, Akintola Akintoye
Author Information
  1. Stanley Njuangang: University of Central Lancashire , Preston, UK.
  2. Champika Liyanage: University of Central Lancashire , Preston, UK.
  3. Akintola Akintoye: University of Central Lancashire , Preston, UK.


Purpose The purpose of this paper is to examine the research design, issues and considerations in the application of the Delphi technique to identify, refine and rate the critical success factors and performance measures in maintenance-associated infections. Design/methodology/approach In-depth literature review through the application of open and axial coding were applied to formulate the interview and research questions. These were used to conduct an exploratory case study of two healthcare maintenance managers, randomly selected from two National Health Service Foundation Trusts in England. The results of exploratory case study provided the rationale for the application of the Delphi technique in this research. The different processes in the application of the Delphi technique in healthcare research are examined thoroughly. Findings This research demonstrates the need to apply and integrate different research methods to enhance the validity of the Delphi technique. The rationale for the application of the Delphi technique in this research is because some healthcare maintenance managers lack knowledge about basic infection control (IC) principles to make hospitals safe for patient care. The result of first round of the Delphi exercise is a useful contribution in its own rights. It identified a number of salient issues and differences in the opinions of the Delphi participants, noticeably between healthcare maintenance managers and members of the infection control team. It also resulted in useful suggestions and comments to improve the quality and presentation of the second- and third-round Delphi instruments. Practical implications This research provides a research methodology that can be adopted by researchers investigating new and emerging issues in the healthcare sector. As this research demonstrates, the Delphi technique is relevant in soliciting expert knowledge and opinion to identify performance measures to control maintenance-associated infections in hospitals. The methodology provided here could be applied by other researchers elsewhere to probe, investigate and generate rich information about new and emerging healthcare research topics. Originality/value The authors demonstrate how different research methods can be integrated to enhance the validity of the Delphi technique. For example, the results of an exploratory case study provided the rationale for the application of the Delphi technique investigating the key performance measures in maintenance-associated infections. The different processes involved in the application of the Delphi technique are also carefully explored and discussed in depth.


MeSH Term

Cross Infection
Delphi Technique
Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice
Health Services Research
Hospital Administration
Infection Control
Quality Indicators, Health Care
Reproducibility of Results
State Medicine
United Kingdom

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0Delphiresearchtechniqueapplicationhealthcaremaintenancestudydifferentissuesperformancemeasuresmaintenance-associatedinfectionsexploratorycasemanagersprovidedrationalecontrolidentifysuccessfactorsappliedtworesultsprocessesdemonstratesmethodsenhancevalidityknowledgeinfectionhospitalsusefulalsomethodologycanresearchersinvestigatingnewemergingPurposepurposepaperexaminedesignconsiderationsrefineratecriticalDesign/methodology/approachIn-depthliteraturereviewopenaxialcodingformulateinterviewquestionsusedconductrandomlyselectedNationalHealthServiceFoundationTrustsEnglandexaminedthoroughlyFindingsneedapplyintegratelackbasicICprinciplesmakesafepatientcareresultfirstroundexercisecontributionrightsidentifiednumbersalientdifferencesopinionsparticipantsnoticeablymembersteamresultedsuggestionscommentsimprovequalitypresentationsecond-third-roundinstrumentsPracticalimplicationsprovidesadoptedsectorrelevantsolicitingexpertopinionelsewhereprobeinvestigategeneraterichinformationtopicsOriginality/valueauthorsdemonstrateintegratedexamplekeyinvolvedcarefullyexploreddiscusseddepthApplicationCaseCriticalHealthcareNHS

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