Attitudes mediate the intergenerational transmission of corporal punishment in China.
Fang Wang, Meifang Wang, Xiaopei Xing
Author Information
Fang Wang: Key Laboratory of Learning and Cognition, Research Center for Child Development, Department of Psychology, Capital Normal University, Beijing, PR China.
Meifang Wang: Research Center for Child Development, College of Elementary Education, Capital Normal University, Beijing, 100048, PR China. Electronic address:
Xiaopei Xing: Key Laboratory of Learning and Cognition, Research Center for Child Development, Department of Psychology, Capital Normal University, Beijing, PR China. Electronic address:
This research aimed to examine the intergenerational transmission of corporal punishment and the role of parents' attitudes toward corporal punishment in the transmission processes in Chinese societies. Based on social-cognitive theory, it was hypothesized that parents' attitudes toward corporal punishment would mediate the transmission of corporal punishment. Seven hundred and eighty-five fathers and eight hundred and eleven mothers with elementary school-age children (data collected in winter 2009) were recruited through convenience sampling techniques. The Chinese version of Parent-Child Conflict Tactics Scale (CTSPC) and Attitude toward Physical Punishment Scale (ATPP) were used as the main assessment tools to measure parents' corporal punishment experiences in childhood, current use of corporal punishment and attitudes toward corporal punishment. Findings revealed that the strength of intergenerational transmission of corporal punishment was strong and parents' attitudes toward corporal punishment played a mediating role in the continuity of corporal punishment for both fathers and mothers in China. The findings highlighted the role of attitudes in the intergenerational transmission of corporal punishment within the Chinese cultural context and also suggested the need for intervention programs to focus on modification of maladaptive attitudes toward what is appropriate and effective discipline.