Special Issue: Beneficial Microorganisms for Food Manufacturing-Fermented and Biopreserved Foods and Beverages.

Régine Talon, Monique Zagorec
Author Information
  1. Régine Talon: Université Clermont-Auvergne, INRA, MEDIS, F-63000 Clermont-Ferrand, France. regine.talon@inra.fr.
  2. Monique Zagorec: Secalim, INRA, LUNAM Université, 44307 Nantes, France. monique.zagorec@oniris-nantes.fr.


Food fermentation is an ancient technology, disseminated worldwide, which harness microorganisms and their enzymes to improve and diversify the human diet [...].


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  8. Microorganisms. 2017 May 17;5(2): [PMID: 28513575]
  9. Microorganisms. 2017 Aug 29;5(3):null [PMID: 28850086]
  10. Microorganisms. 2017 May 19;5(2): [PMID: 28534821]
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  12. Microorganisms. 2017 Sep 06;5(3):null [PMID: 28878171]
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Created with Highcharts 10.0.0Foodfermentationancienttechnologydisseminatedworldwideharnessmicroorganismsenzymesimprovediversifyhumandiet[]SpecialIssue:BeneficialMicroorganismsManufacturing-FermentedBiopreservedFoodsBeverages

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