[Acupressure combined with press needles for prevention of gastroscopy-induced nausea and vomiting].

Min Sun, Qiaoli Lu, Xuyan Zeng, Xuemei Bian
Author Information
  1. Min Sun: Xiasha Branch of Zhejiang TCM Hospital, Hangzhou 310018, China.
  2. Qiaoli Lu: Xiasha Branch of Zhejiang TCM Hospital, Hangzhou 310018, China.
  3. Xuyan Zeng: Xiasha Branch of Zhejiang TCM Hospital, Hangzhou 310018, China.
  4. Xuemei Bian: Xiasha Branch of Zhejiang TCM Hospital, Hangzhou 310018, China.


OBJECTIVE: To explore the clinical effects of acupressure at Neiguan (PC 6) combined with press needles for prevention of gastroscopy-induced nausea and vomiting.
METHODS: One hundred and twenty patients who were scheduled to gastroscopy for the first time were randomly assigned into an acupressure group and a combined treatment group, 60 cases in each one.The patients in the two groups were treated with acupressure at Neiguan (PC 6) 15 min before gastroscopy; moreover, the patients in the combined treatment group were additionally treated with press needles at Neiguan (PC 6) until the end of gastroscopy. The time of gastroscopy-induced nausea and vomiting, VAS-based nausea and vomiting scale and the state-trait anxiety inventory were compared between the two groups.
RESULTS: The time of gastroscopy-induced nausea and vomiting in the combined treatment group was lower than that in the acupressure group (<0.05); the score of VAS-based nausea and vomiting scale in the combined treatment group was lower than that in the acupressure group (<0.05); the state-trait anxiety inventory was not significantly different between the two groups, before and after gastroscopy (all >0.05).
CONCLUSIONS: Acupressure at Neiguan (PC 6) combined with press needles can relieve gastroscopy-induced nausea and vomiting without increasing anxiety.


MeSH Term

Antineoplastic Agents
Combined Modality Therapy


Antineoplastic Agents

Word Cloud

Created with Highcharts 10.0.0nauseacombinedvomitinggroupacupressurepressneedlesgastroscopy-inducedgastroscopyNeiguanPC6treatmentanxietypatientstimetwogroups05preventiontreatedVAS-basedscalestate-traitinventorylower<0OBJECTIVE:exploreclinicaleffectsMETHODS:Onehundredtwentyscheduledfirstrandomlyassigned60casesoneThe15minmoreoveradditionallyendcomparedRESULTS:scoresignificantlydifferent>0CONCLUSIONS:Acupressurecanrelievewithoutincreasing[Acupressurevomiting]

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