OBJECTIVES: Tight glycemic control using intermittent blood glucose measurements is associated with a risk of hypoglycemia. glucose concentrations can now be measured near continuously (every 5-15 min). We assessed the quality and safety of glycemic control guided by a near-continuous glucose monitoring system in ICU patients. DESIGN: Prospective, cluster-randomized, crossover study. SETTING: Thirty-five-bed medico-surgical department of intensive care with four separate ICUs. patients: Adult patients admitted to the department and expected to stay for at least 3 days were considered for inclusion if they had persistent hyperglycemia (blood glucose > 150 mg/dL) up to 6 hours after admission and/or were receiving insulin therapy. INTERVENTIONS: A peripheral venous catheter was inserted in all patients and connected to a continuous glucose monitoring sensor (GlucoClear; Edwards Lifesciences, Irvine, CA). The four ICUs were randomized in pairs in a crossover design to glycemic control using unblinded or blinded continuous glucose monitoring monitors. The insulin infusion rate was adjusted to keep blood glucose between 90 and 150 mg/dL using the blood glucose values displayed on the continuous glucose monitor (continuous glucose monitoring group-unblinded units) or according to intermittent blood glucose readings (intermittent glucose monitoring group-blinded units). MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: The quality and safety of glycemic control were assessed using the proportion of time in range, the frequency of blood glucose less than 70 mg/dL, and the time spent with blood glucose less than 70 mg/dL (TB70), using blood glucose values measured by the continuous glucose monitoring device. Seventy-seven patients were enrolled: 39 in the continuous glucose monitoring group and 38 in the intermittent glucose monitoring group. A total of 43,107 blood glucose values were recorded. The time in range was similar in the two groups. The incidence of hypoglycemia (8/39 [20.5%] vs 15/38 [39.5%]) and the TB70 (0.4% ± 0.9% vs 1.6% ± 3.4%; p < 0.05) was lower in the continuous glucose monitoring than in the intermittent glucose monitoring group. CONCLUSIONS: Use of a continuous glucose monitoring-based strategy decreased the incidence and severity of hypoglycemia, thus improving the safety of glycemic control.