The article presents a clinical case of Primary renal amyloidosis that was diagnosed in female patient. Typically, the spectrum of clinical signs of primary amyloidosis is wide: from moderate symptoms in some patients having localized amyloidosis, to life-threatening conditions that require rapid diagnosis determination and aggressive treatment. Finding a diagnosis of Primary renal amyloidosis is enough difficult as for family doctors as for well-skilled nephrologists. In some cases, the Primary renal amyloidosis starts with atypical symptoms, and so, only doctor's sufficient clinical experience combined with the in-time usage of highly informative diagnostic methods (morphological and immunological evaluation of the renal biopsy), allows to make an in-time diagnosis of the disease and to prescribe specific therapy that can slow down the disease progression and delay the time of severe complications development. The purpose of this publication is to inform general practioners with the individual features of the Primary renal amyloidosis onset, its clinical course and the possibilities for in-time diagnosis. In the presented case, the Primary renal amyloidosis features were: the onset of the disease with severe edema that was later associated with pleural effusion, the laboratory changes in way of massive proteinuria, hypo- and dysproteinemia, the increased erythrocytes' sedimentation rate. Determination of the right diagnosis of Primary renal amyloidosis was provided by performing kidneys' biopsy with further pathomorphological and immunological evaluation. KEY WORDS.